Sunday, June 25, 2006
Me & Denise

Me & Denise
Her best friend and Herokie back to blog ..
been missing practices for both bands recently ..
anyway these were some pics taken while i was out during various days of the week ..
hey yo buddy ..
to be exact anonymous ..
sorry about the various crude/harsh words used on u ..
my pals are usually not so vulgar/unfeeling ..
i guess you have pissed alot of people bah ..
Anonymous , you need to sort out your facts ..
do your research before u start firing ..
the word leader can be used on anyone that has assumed a certain position
in the band be it Section Leader / President / Student Conductor ......what have you la......
so don't assume ..
i have never showed off to any NYPSO member regarding how well i play ..
i have never thought myself as a good player .. there's always a higher mountain ..
if you feel its becaused i have never practiced any of Nyp's music ..
its because the other music i have on hand are tougher .. and usually phrases
found in these music , one way or another solves the
"need to practice" parts in Nyp's music ..
in fact i feel our current clarinet SL Pei Yi is a better player than me ..
i never believed in drowning myself in praises ..
since u have mentioned .. may i know who gave you the feed back ? ( Tag )
i would like to speak with that person , get some pointers to improve ..
and my friend is quite right on telling you off regarding other people's playing ..
never shoot down another person's playing , only tell them nicely ..
this just goes to show your personality ..
we are here to learn after all ..
however , since u have chosen to be so unkind with your words ,
i guess you better remain anonymous because u are fast becoming unpopular ..
dont take a the challenge to reveil your identity ..
stay the hermit you are ..
i don't think offending the alumnis , or those younger than you would be wise ..
you may not feel comfortable playing in the main band ,
neither will it be nice playing in the alumni band ..
By the way ..
there are few abled players in the NYPSO ..
they might leave ..
would you be able to find the replacement for hui min then ?
you would be adding to her problems ..
do her a favor then ..
dont offend members , be it current or alumni
cheers annoymous ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 18:58