Saturday, July 29, 2006
went to town yesterday after meeting denise at woodlands ..went for dinner at cineleisure , hope i got that right , pasta mania ..we wanted something different there we were placing our orders and stuff ..than there was this foreigner at the counter was a little hard to understand him and it didnt help that he couldn't catch what we were saying , too fast for him almost all our sentences were repeated like twice on both sides ..why dun they just place someone who can communicatewell at the counter first ?? send that guy to do other stuff till he can adjust first or something la ..just wasting each other's time repeating ourselves ..and according to denise , their standard has dropped ..personally i never ate at any pasta mania outlets before so i couldn't comment ..but their garlic bread were like so soft , it's so obvious they pre-preparedthem and left them out in the open so they could speedily serve the food ..even my ah ma makes better garlic bread ..was eating eating then suddenly realised that what i was having was made from chicken meat too ..was like heck la , long time never eat anyway , one dish wont harm ..guess what , the wound had pus around it again ..dunno if it was really the chicken , oh and that soup , forgot the name ..something do with some shell fish i think ..anyway instructions were no chicken or sea food ..but my taste buds were way too tempted hehehe ..strolled over to far east after dinner , nice to take a walk after a meal ..denise was like "stalking" esther haha , msging for her location in town an stuff ..met some of her friends on the way , what a small place this world is ..reach far east and it was shopping time ..she tried on a top and was like , i am too fat ..need to slim down first , darling , take your time k ,you can do it , jia you !!checked out the ear rings / studs what have you for piercings ..i thinked we combed the entire B1 level hahha ..searching around for bags too , not that we were gonna buy any but its just nice to look around ..anyway that was a great day and yeah i enjoyed it though i was kinda tired's a hell of a boring day , and it goes for tomorrow as well ..sat sun and i have got no plans , sians ..need to return to school , meet my friends and hopefully organise something ..everyone so occupied with their own stuff nowadays ..and there's no band to look forward to on sundays is a fun place to be at , your friends and stuff are there least there's people to chat with , play music least you are spending your time doing something healthy ..guess this is all for today , till then tata
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 14:09