Thursday, September 27, 2007

ok, dad bought back some plants yesterday.they are actually quite beautiful. think its because i am using a phone cam.doesn't seem like what i see in real life. colors are deeper.okie, so i couldn't sleep last night, watched the Snow Queen instead.finished the entire set last night. slept around 6am.woke up at 1145am. did my stuff. headed back to my room, started on the puzzle.didnt work on it as planned. didnt have the time. so yup free today.almost done. gonna spend some more time on it tonight. think i need one more day and i would be done. which also means, i would be completing it under 72 hrs. beat my old record.wonder where's the king fisher now. keep visiting my own blog just to look at the pictures. dad was feeling a bit sorry for it. he was like, shouldn't have given it to the neighbour.should have released it when we caught it. yup. birds are meant to be free. oh well. my shoulder is still screwed. and it doesn't seem to be getting better.its really irritating. i hate it. hate the look of it. hate to have one shoulder higher than the other.maybe should just ram my shoulder into a pillar or something.balance the damn thing. halo 3 is out i think. gotta get it. wanna get a shirt as well. long sleeve formal shirt. yup its the one from crocodile as previously mentioned.i have a sudden craze for long sleeve shirts. hahahah. okie, i realised that i would not be bringing home much cash. so i have decided that there would be no shopping for the month of oct.includes entertainment as well. like pooling and stuff. food and transport, thats a must of cause. hope i can save more cash like that.martin said something about 1 week back before we slept.he said, "interesting, the clock is the only mechanism that shows the time it died"simply because, when the batt is flat, the hands stop moving.therefore it displays the time its batt died on it. and now for his personal nick name on msn, he wrote " propaganda studies"its actually social studies. he has some kinda exam tomorrow so he's studying.and everything in it is like saying how good is this, how bad is that. so ya, propaganda studies. he's been studying quite a bit. like he studies almost everyday nowadays, surprising.i seriously have no idea why. without a gf, companion, i feel really lonely.not that i dont have my friends to go out with. its just that, its a totally different feeling. the relationship is different.though both are still a kinda companionship to me, it feels really different.its a kinda restless, empty feeling. like something in me is dying.its really easy to sense the void in myself. i dont need to make an effort to sense it.its just like, poof, and its there.i did something. deleted denise and heike from my msn.anyway we no longer talk. so i thought that would be better. i would be getting rid of the pictures too. my heart is saying that i shouldn' brain is saying thats the way. we cant always keep old baggages with can be harmful to ourselves at times. i wonder who's the next girl, she's gonna be super lucky.ok, after much deliberation. i have decided not to get a camera. i have decided to use the money else where. save the money actually, for rainy's not important. and i would be enlisting in last than half a year i would yeah, no point. i spend my money to frivolously.i actually wanted to get a new wallet as well. then come to think of it. i decided not to. my current wallet's working fine.just lotsa scratches hahah. and though its old, its still great to use.let me see, i got it when i was in sec 3 or 4. tats like 4 years already. ya. not getting the cam, not getting a new wallet and no shopping.guess that would save me lotsa cash. oh window shopping ahahha, thats fine.there's only two things that can really occupy my thoughts for long periods at a time.they are girls and money. shit. not a good combination at all. no money = no girls, got money not = got girls, got girls not = got money.but for sure if you are broke, you definitely wouldn't be able to get a girl in the first place.and girls !!! cant stand them, cant leave without them.why cant God like use a twig to make her????? why has he got to use man's rib.see, now guys are caught, stucked to women. girls money girls money girls. this is a depressing comedy.dunch know whether to feel like shit or to laugh at my own story or both.anyway, melvyn was here about 2 days back i think. he brought his external hard disk along as usual. so i stole some songs.copy all his songs across. like around 150 to 200 songs. short listed about 15, ended up wth only 10 at the end of the day hahaha. quite nice songs. oh yeah, this song by the way, on my blog, is by kitaro.its titled Caravansary. shall change the song every week. and guess what, i may be having a da sao by the end of next year ahahaha.well. its great to have brother home. it really feels great.having dinner and all together, gaming together, 4 brothers. si da tian wang.i realised something. we al have ideas of our own, starting our own companies.i am not sure about 2nd brother, but the 3 of us have our own. i guess 2nd bro just doesn't want to say. who doesn't have dreams, goals.shirley, melvyn's gf, realised something. the number plates of all three cars are 27. and coincidentally, we have 2 maids, and a family of 7. on top of that, we have 3 cars and 3 dogs. and i finally found out why the number 27.cause that's the day of the month that dad was born on. the 27th.for the record, since i entered this family. when bro came back and gamed with us that night, i felt happy, really happy.was the happiest time i ever had with this family.hmmm, had a chat with a friend not long ago. about friend thinks i like to play around with girls alot. thats is the truth, previously. i actually do not like playing around. i find it childish and inconsiderate. all in all, its really was a good move back then, that i decided to be serious.cause then, i tasted the goodness of being serious. it felt great hahaha. yeah, i guess its gonna be hard to undo the bad reputation.well, gonna take a step at a time. for now, i am staying single.for at least 3 months. yeah, i'll sure fall for some girl along the way. but i wont be getting into a relationship. she can be my sister. go window shopping together and stuff like that, but thats that.i wont be cutting my hair, gonna leave it alone. let it grow even longer.anyway, i would be entering army soon i think. so might as well just leave it.just for the fun of it, try try. japan's gonna be cold. so long hair would keep my head warm. ok forget that, thats a groundless theory.hahahah dad made a comment. among his kids, i am the most stylish. its really sad right. ahahah. its not because i really dress well. its because my brothers dress very casually, very slack.martin and marcus especially ahah, they dont dress for the occasion.martin's the carefree cant really be bothered about what to wear kind.marcus, no matter how, he just seem sloppy. for me, i am sure you guys know. anyway, for all of us. we are always wearing the same few clothings hahah. so much so, its like a this is a really long entry. hmmm thinking of clothings. i think i'll get melvyn a shirt for his birthday, the formal kind. maybe from crocodile. shall find out which in my budget range is the most comfortable.get him something really nice. okie shall end here. this is one hell of a long longest ever i think.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 19:36