Monday, November 12, 2007
marcus was showing melvyn the macro lens earlier on.took some pictures just to try it out. this is one of them. its really the way, these are meal worms. martin's.feeds them to the oscar in the pond, he named the fish, Osaka.

oh man, why do i seriously feel like its jumping the gun.
pushing the panick button before at the wrong time.
and like its all gonna be for nothing cause everything would be ok.
so pushing the panick button would be of no point.
i dont like leaving things to chances,
yet this time it seems like it would be ok to do so.
cause it seems like everything would work out fine.
anyway, the show would go on, it has to go on by hook or by crook.
hahah like Queen, the show must go on.
so yeah. its like worrying for nothing.
thinking too much about something that doesn't need any thinking.
even if its given the red light, i think i would still find myself feeling jittery.
i wouldn't be able to sit still. due to some pessimistic thinking,
i have already envision somethings happening during the process.
not very nice things for us all, but yeah.
approximately 6 to 7 weeks more. so far yet so near.
its always good to swing into action early right.
yet it would be horribly embarrassing to jump the gun.
heading to the esplanade then down to the cc tomorrow. later, actually.
gonna practice with a friend some pieces. performance this sat.
needa settle some parts. practice practice practice.
then meet up with another friend to discuss some other matters over dinner.
haiz. still thinking over it. it seems really wrong to leave it as it is.
yet it seems wrong to do it as well. shit, why am i deliberating like a girl. so sissy.
gonna get reeds tomorrow. hopefully they have it.
fresh reeds finally hahah. replace my current super old batch.
needa send my clar for maintance. something happened to the rings.
super horrible. thats what happens when you dun clean it dry.
the Bee Movie this coming sunday !! hahaha.
i am supposed to watch it with someone, come to think of it ahha.
guess i can always watch it a second time. haha. she's really cute.
i cant understand some things in life. most things actually.
and this is one of them. just because she was hurt by guys.
doesn't mean all other guys are the same. hate it the way she speaks to me.
never had someone spoken to me so brazenly.
got so pissed i shot back. really, its infuriating.
i really dun understand, why people cant face up to reality.
why people just love to generalise. why do they deceive themselves.
isn't it similiar to abusing herself?
not every guy who befriends you, has an ulterior motive.
its sad really. i feel angry at her, yet i feel sad for her. she really is a pityful creature.
to live in the dark and not search for the light that exists.
its pointless living that way.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 02:30