Tuesday, March 11, 2008
i have recalculated and have realised that its nearly impossible, not impossible, but nearly impossible, to complete the wall before enlisting.there would be 3 days from now. given the lack of funding and time, its not going to be a quick job.that however, gives me time to relook the whole project, pick up what i have overlooked. like a dirty wall.the selected frame and the picture, on a near white wall, looks great.in fact, nice enough, that i may wanna use it for my own room in the future.of cause, a different picture. i would say, the main problem, would be funding.it would not be much of a problem for me to be active while serving NS.i would still wish to carry out my duties. maybe i should extend the project? do it, wall by wall.i think the current wall is facing the east or the south. more towards the south.that wall should take me at most 6 months to fully finish.including getting the neccessary funding, searching of stuffs blah blah.then to the wall on its right, and on and on and on.its a dream. we have to have a dream to begin with anyway.i learnt a new "game". it was taught to me by two female friends.pretty guai female friends, its a cheeky kinda game. its, shoot, shag, marry. you are given the names of 3 friends of the opposite gender.for me, 3 girls, so i decide who i wanna shoot, shag and marry.you get some really interesting answers. maybe i am wrong, but girls are really practical lol.and they get even more so as they grow older. like a relationship for example.its really easy to trick girls in sec school, cause for them, its just, say you love me and anything goes. as they get older though, their thinking changes, its not just do you love me but can you maintain my desired life style for me?that kinda thing. again, i may be wrong. it sounds more on the materialistic side.i am not trying to say that my two female friends are wrong for sounding practical.in fact, i think it rather wise lol.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:37