Wednesday, August 20, 2008
well, dad picked me up from camp this evening.rushed off to our new place, needed to settle some renovation stuff.during the time we were there, dad had to make what to do for this room that room, this corner that corner.and No.2's room, dun wanna comment too much.anyway, it really is kinda big a headache for one person to handle all this.i was standing outside the house looking at it when i thought to myself.gosh, how the hell did we end up here.look at dad, running here there everywhere just to settle the house.and its not like he doesn't have to work. rushing to pick me up even though camp's really outta the way and that he would be late for his appointment with our contractor.and i didnt even say a word of thanks. whatever he has worked for to provide us with.a beautiful house, more than comfortable life styles, the luxuries of life that many can only dream of.we have taken all of it for granted. as though its what we deserve, an obligation when it really isn't. we didnt even do anything to deserve though that isnt bad enough, we give him troubles to add on his burden.we really are horrible children. therefore, i have decided to dedicate more time to the family.helping out in what i can, when i hope that i would be able to share some of his burden.small stuffs, but it should help. maybe its army training that have helped me realised i live a life of luxury.and that i have taken it for granted. stretching my hand out, expecting to receive without giving.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:08