Monday, September 22, 2008

the studs are up. positioned them where they are needed.
so is the waste paper bin. the darth vader poster looks cool eh.
room coloring is the typical guy kind i guess. dull lol.
oh, i have gotten another posted pasted on the wall.
just blue tac it actually. FHM poster of mandy soong MUAHAHAHA.
see the wall behind my lappy in the 2nd picture ? shes there.
kk. alot of other things to settle.
i cant believe it. i was made to stay back today. 5 to 7.
and because of that, i was caught in a trafic jam. a 40 min jam.
whats the reason? oh because i have never stayed back for extra lessons before.
like what the fuck. anyway, i was so sleepy,
i was drifting left and right while on the SLE this morning.
and again, like around 6pm during biking.
we were supposed to control our speed using the clutch.
and try, at the same time, to follow the single white line on the ground.
my two pals behind caught me falling asleep while riding lol.
the pitcher plant is a must get. i seriously think so.
there are hell alot of flies. those that are attracted to the lights when its gonna rain.
or after the rain. hell alot.
went for a jog earlier on. two rounds around the entire springside estate.
tried using the ankle weights. half load. dont really feel any difference.
shall try 3/4 load the next round. running's like nothing nowadays.
two rounds is about, 3 to 4 kilometers. standard run.
shall maintain at least two every other night, with the weights.
alright. i am really sleepy, so good night.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:29