Thursday, January 01, 2009
these two shots were not very well taken.gonna try and re-shoot tomorrow if i have the time.anyway, they were just subjects for my monochrome shots.was trying out the B/W with other color tones like purple.this one's the M3 stock rims
this one's mine
sending vanessa to school tomorrow morning.give dad a break. can have a longer rest.most likely gonna buy the plants for aunt lily and grandma late morning.send them to aunt jenny's house, have lunch with them.then send my pants for altering and home.think that would be about, 1/4 tank. thats 30 bucks. ouch.did the grafting today. haha.used two different plants on the tree outside of our home.those that the developers planted. standard tree.used rose and erm, whats the other. ( thinking.... )oh yeah. it has the word "amanda" in its name.some yellow flowering plant. anyway yeah.grafted the two flowering plants to the tree.five grafts in total. two rose three amandas.was pretty irritated by the weather didnt rain but it kept drizzling. not continuously. thats the bad sort of like, drizzled for 30 mins, stopped for an hour,and continued again for a while. that kinda thing.left hell alot of water marks, now water stains.i cant remove them, gotta send it in for waxing and polishing.and i have decided that the USB port shall remain unused.gonna stick to the AUX input. the car doesn't recognise the is however, able to read and copy the songs from an ipod or thumb drive,into its own hard drive. problem is, everything's a mess.i would need the iDrive to be able to organise everything neatly.thats why i have given up on the USB port.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:22