Monday, May 11, 2009
alright, its now 0104hrs.just spent about 1 to 1.5hrs the text book, just bought - as recommended by the lecturer,alongside with the study guide provided.its basically an exploded version of the study guide, with alot more stuffs of course.eyes are tired due to the lighting being directly over head.pages kept reflecting off the lights.i felt kinda lost when i flipped open the text book.first time in 2 plus years, that i opened a book to was like horror before my eyes, millions of words and diagrams saying:hi mitch, we're backkkkk!!!!tomorrow's plans;study a bit more, maybe work out a bit, then hit the books again.prepare my stuff for book in, head to mdis,head back home, wash up, then bk in.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:03