Saturday, August 01, 2009
thats ouch hahah. jumped up by 500 sms. i really needa get that free sms army boi plan. yup.
okie thats my new printer.and i have received the letter hahah. first of many to takes like 5 or 6 days for mine to reach takes only 4 days for hers to reach me O.0
okie i am broke again hahah. like like $4 & $2.4 in both accounts lol.i am dry. super dry this month. 9 more days and my allowance would be in again lol.okay i am hooked onto the Carpenters & Queen. yup.especially the song, Please mr postman lol. find it pretty similiar to our situation lol.i didn't realise that mailing or snail mailing as she calls it, could be this nice.the effort involved yup. its not just a few pieces of A4 paper lol.sent like, an SD memory card of some songs & a video of what i had to say since we cant web cam. photos. yeah.hmmm, the next big one is still on going. it involves our friends lol.a tiny bit from everyone, yup. makes a big difference in another's life.----okay, i got my tongue repierced for the 3rd time. at 14g.needa get a shorter barbell/post when its healed. and a plastic retainer.cant help it, i like the tongue piercing, its really fun to kiss with.and nope, darling didnt nag me down or like got super pissed.though i know she doesn't approve of it yup.she's really understanding. as long as i dun over do things, she's okay with it.we still need our own freedom in a relationship, to do what we want.thats where we learn to give and take, compromise. and i have switched to a 10g cbr for my pa.previously stretched it to 10g already, but due to some error, i used a 12g cbr instead. yup. the supposed 12g curved barbell was actually i was right all along. only thing is, i think it'll be like 8g within a year.just a heads up for the sizes, in diameter.14g = 1.6mm12g = 2.0mm10g = 2.5mm8g = 3.2mmyup, its isn't uniform, it increases, erm, exponentially? i think thats the word.still wanna repierce my upper frenum. yeah. thats on my own.dunno how many will i actually get in the end, but they would all be at 10g.making everything uniform, saves cost. leonard's been asking me to pierce our nipples together. i am like no way... nipple piercing hurts like F*** and its pretty obvious.unless of cause, you wear a bra.----okay i shall post more pictures in time to come.haven been blogging cause something went wrong with least blogger for me. yup.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 11:48