Monday, August 07, 2006
have not blogged for a few days le ..let me see , had my first driving lesson , practical , on sat ..was quite fun , except that the car's reverse gear was faulty , so i couldn't reverse without the instructor holding on to the gear just pops back to neutral gear position , weird ..just kept going around the circuit for quite a while , but it was fun ..everywhere u see cars breaking down , starting and stopping ..mine broke down 4 or 5 times too , released the clutch too much when i engaged the 1st gear haha ..than learn to turn and stuff ..and after that , went over to darling's place ..cant remember what were we doing ..only that her parents were cleaning up the place here and there ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sunday , which was 07/07/2006 ..was supposed to meet denise at CCK MRT for church ..just a few mins after i reached , denise text me a msg .." come to my house , papa sending us to church "ok , nothing that big , just something for a change .. sat in the back , was looking out for any cool cars ..couldn't find any throughout the entire journey ..aunty bought drinks for us , had cold milo ..denise was doing some game on the papers , suduko or something anyway , attended church and stuff , so tired i kept dozing off ended , went to town , walk walk walk walk walk ..finally decided to eat at suki sushi , first time in a jap restaurant ..had the buffet , ate this and that , mostly the fish ..order a few plates of different sashimi , cold tofu and steamed egg ..ate alot la , darling was full , i felt it after a while ..first time i had so much japanese food in a meal ..very nice haha , darling asked why did i keep taking this 2 dishes ..well i love it haha , i like fish , raw also nice , cooked also nice ..put the wasabe even nicer ..talking bout , ate the sushi with wasabe , than wanted to darling an answer to her question , so i just took in some air through my nose and i instantly regreted it , how could i have forgotten ..the feeling rushed through my entire head at the back everywhere ..what a sensation , one that would forever stay in my head haha ..made our way to her place , yeah , again , that's where we go when wehave no other places in mind , SG is just so small ..the whole family was home , read my book than slept ..darling took over , she reads damn fast , ok maybe cause i am slow ..surprisingly i fell asleep quitefast this time round ..woke up with a headache ..than we order dinner from mac and stuff .. joke like mad la , only me tina and denise was left in the house ..made denise laugh till she was lying on the floor holding her stomach ..tina also laugh like siao , ok dunno why they just kept laughing was already dead anyway , and it was really very lame but they just kept laughing ..just as quickly as it had started , it all ended ..the both of them just went into different rooms leaving me all alone eating fries , i was like , eh all leave me alone ,darling u pang seh me leh , eh !!! ..quite a night , fun like hell , even my own family and i do not have so much fun ..and yesh its monday and i have got no sch , will be going out soon where ? i have no idea ..may be visiting my aunty and family for a short while ..go shoot some pics :)
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 14:01