Wednesday, September 27, 2006
just gt the remaining hamster stuff plus the hamster themselves today .. one of them is really active, the other one is just a tiny bit lesser ..but still, it runs all over the place ..after purchasing them,
i went on to meet jocelyn at the 169 bus stop ..
went to the CC, and wai geng was there !! early some more !!
surprise surprise, this world is full of surprises ..
he actually came at the right time and earlier some more heehee ..
ok, the box that the shop provided for transporting the
hamsters is like damn funny ..
looks like the pop corn chicken box from KFC ..
shall post some pics of them later ..
cleared alot of rubbish from the band room today ..
rearranged some of the furniture to free up more space ..
the green cupboard store room is much neater now ..
managed to create more room for the percussions as intended ..
shall carry out the rest of my plans the next round ..
some more things are gonna go ..
the room is still pretty dirty though ..
very dusty and stuff , not to forget there were
thumb tacs on the floor in the brass store room ..
gotta get all these mess cleared up soon ..
meanwhile, wai geng and jocelyn were slogging their guts
out clearing the library, pink shelf and the pink shelf table ..
so much work done by the 3 of us, imagine if there
were a few more members ..
say 6 or 7 more, we could have mopped the floor and stuff ..
remove some of the dirty stuff and stuff .. wai geng and i were going on the whole day about making hamster bao out of them replace the Kong Bah Bao haha ..and he was complaining non stop about the noise they made petty right hahah, kidding la .. he is quite a nice guy actually is work but it's good to have some laughter as well ..adds life to the atmosphere instead of everyone just going about doing their own job, so dull and time would seem so draggy ..and i would like to thank both wai geng and jocelyn for thehelp they have given me this pass few weeks ..
went to New York Pizza after we were done for the day ..
ironically none of us ordered any pizza though
we decided to eat at a pizza store ..
wai geng took the bus back , so did jocelyn ..
flagged a cab after she boarded her bus ..
reached home, did the set up, washed up, ate dinner ..
and here i am, shall continue the other band work when
i get up tomorrow, so tired already ..
here are the pics, enjoy :) the pop corn chicken box ..pop corn hamster anyone ?
cute couple eh ?
see how curious and active that one is ?it's at the top of its home ..and it trys to climb even higher, that would be the umbrellashaped roof if u are wondering ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:09