Notes N Wheels

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

alright i am back ..
for some strange reasons i am very sleepy ..
maybe its because i slept pretty late again last night, around 4am plus ..
was playing starcraft, couldn't sleep ..
anyway, was at sgh today for the thing ..
this male nurse that had to insert the needle into the top of my left palm,
he was seriously damn funny ..
he inserte the first needle but couldn't get the vein ..
so he left it there and inserted a second one just beside it ..
so the first has to be removed, now this idiot wasn't wearing his gloves
for some strange reasons ..
and when he removed the first needle, like duh,
blood came out la and spilled onto his hands ..
so he quickly washed his hand at the basin near by ..
than he came to me and explain that a "splash" had occurred and he
needed to ask questions ..
so the questions were, did i do anything that placed me at risk of having HIV,
did i like visit prositutes haha, do i have heptitis B blah blah ..
the funny thing is he kept apologising that he had to ask me,
and even though i said its ok, i understand its the procedure right ?
he said yes, and he still kept apologising and was like, so sry but i hope you dont mind ..
hell, he sounds like a "broken wrist" to me actually ..
so girly la ..
after he left, i was smiling to myself hahah ..
the room can get quite boring la, so cold and empty ..
anyway, kept myself occupied by looking around at the shelves on my right ..
all the medicine, syringes, so many chim words ..
than there was this 2 female nurses who were always moving up and down ..
come in ask me questions than go out again ..
finally they pushed me into the OT, i think mine was R5 or R6 ..
than there they transferred me onto the table,
gosh when they did that my shoulder plates felt like shit,
banging on the rollers under the bed one after another ..
than there were 3 lights in this circle dish thing, 3 big lights ..
and there were 3 of this circle dish things hanging from mechnical arms ..
felt like an alien subject hahah ..
than in came this grummpy man, looked old around 50 plus ..
anyway he came in and just spreaded his negative self around ..
scolded the nurses and stuff ..
like because this metal stand was on my right and not left side,
he scolded the nurse, funny right ?
maybe its procedure that they have to follow or maybe he was just fussy ..
anyway, that same girly guy came with the 2 female nurses ..
than one of the girls started sticking all those wires on the pads stucked to me ..
seriously when i saw the wires, i got a shock ..
first thing that came to my mine was, why got wire for electronics ?
had enough of wires in school la hahah ..
anyway, the nurses were very nice la, they were quite gentle and made sure they explained eveything they were about to do, to me ..
than they girly guy placed this mask over my nose and mouth,
all he said was, this is pure oxygen blah blah,
he pressed it too hard over my nose and mouth such that i couldn't exhale cause
there was no gap to allow the air to escape ..
my rigt hand was coming up already, luckily he released it a little,
if nt i would have grabbed his hand there and than la,
talk and talk and he didnt realise what was happening ..
the pressure build up was yucks ..
anyway with each breathe i took in, with that oxygen thing ..
i felt myself giving in bit by bit ..
first and second breath didnt have much effect ..
3rd one, i felt this cold sensation grab me, i think my legs and arms felt icy cold ..
than 4th one i felt like this invisible barrier had seperated me from those around me,
everything became softer and i felt a bit sleepy ..
5th one, same thing but with more effect ..
6th one, i was still looking around for a few more breathes ..
couldn't count after that, a few more and i was out,
h i remembered that girl guy's face above me and the grummpy
old man on my left hahahah ..
than when i woke up, i was in the recovery room ..
there was this quite nice looking female nurse beside me ..
and those wire attached to me, for a machine ..
the machine was monitoring my heart beat and everything la ..
had black back ground and all the rest of the information was orangy ..
than the nurse realised i was awake, and asked me a few questions ..
like how was i feeling, than i gave that face and she thought i was in pain,
than she said pain huh ?
hahah i told its was because i couldn't focus my vision which was the truth ..
than she giggled and say ya it takes a while ..
so i was just looking at the monitor, and was still feeling quite sleepy ..
than chatted with her a bit, she said my heart beat was very slow ..
like 50 plus, than i realised that whenever i was falling back to sleep,
it dropped all the way down, 43 being the lowest,
and the machine kept beeping loudly whenever it hit a certain mark ..
those beeps kept me awake, and the poor girl had to rush to switch it off ..
than i was asking her, is it normal thats it so low ?
than she was saying, hmmm, not very normal,
and that during operation, the intervals between each breath were very long ..
than we just chatted loh, chat and chat, than she said something,
like i need to exercise more haha, and i replied oh, i am a musician,
than she was like oh, no wonder la, maybe thats why you breath in deeper than usual and longer ..
same thing happened to a friend of mine, also a musician haha ..
than i found out she was from china,
and that's it, i had to go le ..
so she and a guy pushed me out, and we said bye bye ..
than the guy pushed me further and i felt asleep ..
next thing i knew, i was back in the ward ..
than a lady nurse came in and asked how was i,
i replied, very hungry haahha, got any thing to eat ?
than i saw the clock, my gosh it was lunch time hahah ..
so i ask her, got lunch ? hahah
than she laughed and said nope cause i just had my op,
i might throw up what i consumed, so she just gave me 4 biscuits and a cup of milo haha ..
than she was like, take it slow k, remember to eat slowly ..
she said it like 5 or 6 times than she left ..
everything just went down hahahhah ..
than i slept and slept and slept hahah ..
than after a while they said i could be discharge at 5 or 6 ..
than i was like okie, than slept again ..
man, no dinner, got to wait till i get home than got dinner ..
food food food was all i could think of since the start of the operation hhaha ..
every nurse who asked me how was i feeling,
when i saw that they weren't the stern looking, serious kind ..
i just say i am okie and hungry hahahah ..
and they all either laughed or said later la haha, later can eat liao haha ..
anyway, i am home le, just had dinner ..
dinner was damn filling though i didnt eat much ..
one serving of steak and rice to go alot with it ..
plus some salad and i was done, damn filling ..
okie shall end here, time to eat my medicine already hahah ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 18:51


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