Saturday, December 02, 2006
okie, gonna change my blog music in a week's time song would be, Bach Suite, 4th Mvt, Gavottes 1& 2 ..arranged by Gustav Mahler ..interestingly, Gustav Mahler isn't his real name it somewhere, cant remember why, i think some religion related reasons ..some thing to do with him being a jew in Germany ..a mere 3.35 mins as compare to this current song ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hmmmm, i wish one of the bands i am in could play Pirates of the Carribean, Dead Man's Chest -- Davy Jones .. play that part on the pipe organ, oooolala ..imagine the effect, something like that in the cinemas ..the audience would have something new to most of them,if not all ..pipe organs sound very grand and comanding to me ..if u were to equal it to a human voice ..i would say that of a king who sings his orders,yet his voice still has that weight / authority and granduer in it ..i wish i wish hahahah ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i have removed the barbell from my tongue ..removed it in the morning, the holes at both ends have closed ..decided i am sacrificing too much ..i cant get the sound and intended playing of the pieces ..that gets me very frustrated for some reasons ..cant tongue properly, so i took it out, plus its destroying my reeds ..or should i say I am destroying my reeds ..anyway ya, i decided i wanna play like before so i took it out ..guess i wont get to kiss with it on hahah ..good thing is i wont have to get the scanning wand at the airports hahahha ..can u imagine, walk through the metal detectors and the alarms go off ..wand my body only to find the wand beeps at my mouth hahah ..sry sir, please open your mouth hahahah ..anyway, its gone ..there's a lump there, the equivilant of the ones for ear piercings i guess can move around a little, hope it doesn't affect my playing too much ..with a barbell there, i wonder how does it affect the air flow would surely affect, but the question is how ..hmmmm, chim chim hahahaha ..kk, tired le, tomorrow got band, shall sleep le you, dont think so much k girl in him and yourself, dont let others tear your apart ..the worst thing one can do to another in a relationship isto give up on the other because of what others do ..that would be defeat before the you have reached the battle field ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:06