Thursday, January 18, 2007
okie, sent my com in for servicing today cureently using my little bro's com to blog,giving myself a short break ..was studying at star bucks while waiting for joce ..first time in my life i sat down and studied for more than 5 hours straight stucked twice, so i just moved on to the other more important topics in that module ..can u imagine using formulaes like,Z = R + jXl Xl = j*2pi*f*LSA = 360 / Ns these are just 3 of the formulaes ..aiya, part of my house got black out ..sian, hope the study room not affected, if not my air con and lights all gone hahah .. gonna push to 1am, tml wake up go sch ask lecturer some questions le hahaha ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:53