Notes N Wheels

Thursday, February 08, 2007

okie i finally got the pics from dad ..
was waiting for my lappy so that i could store the pics in my com too ..
so enjoy the pictures ..
their 5MP phone cams, softbank's the brand ..

martin at dunno where, think this is the volcano area ..

Disney Sea ..

mother & my monkey sis ..

i would love to try this one out ..
land of the rising sun ..
Beautiful road sight scenery ..
man, i sure would like to live by this sea side town ..
nice place to park ur car with ur gf beside u eh ?
car park in the sky, tian kong ce cang ...
some big shot's castle, one of the feudal lords ..
check out his garden, imagine if this was yours ..
pavillion / pagoda at the top left hand corner ..
what a walk it would be to get there ..
ok, so those were the pictures ..
"the one" might wanna check out a short clip on the Zonda ..
no not the reed brand -_-" .. its the car by merc ..
pronouced as murk in germany for some reasons, thats what they call that brand ..
okie, so i collected my lappy today ..
there was no lessons, lab class ended already, and yeah, lab class was today, duh ..
went to this place at taka for lunch, some imperial kitchen or something ..
man, it was disappointing, personally, i felt it was, different people different taste ..
didn't eat frog legs for a very long time so i ordered some ..
the last time i had it was like, when i was in lower pri ?
aunty mummy bluffed me that it was a skinny chicken ..
that was why the "drum sticks" appeared so small and skinny,
it was in actual fact, frog legs ..
frog meat is quite clean looking actually, pure white,
check them out when they skin the frogs, alive ..
anyway, this frog leg dish wasn't very tasty, but it was crispy haha ..
deep fried frog legs with ginger slices, how much taste can u get out of it ..
and we had 3 other dishes, one chicken meat, goose meat,
and the last one,no idea, just eat hahah ..
they took nearly 10mins to bring us 4 bowls of rice, can u believe it ..
and i heard the order being passed around / repeated like 7 times if i am not wrong ..
are the 4 bowls of rice in the bill ?
yeah captain has gotten someone to get it ..
who's taking the rice ?
where's the rice ?
sir how many bowls of rice would you like ?
get me 4 bowls of rice for this table ..
the rice is coming soon ..
these were just some of the sentences being exchanged, about 4 bowls of rice ..
i dun even have to wait 5 mins for 1 bowl, 5 plates of rice at a hawker stall ..
wanted to shoot the captain, than thought nevermind,
dunch wanna have spit mixed with any dish haha ..
yeah, dad was getting frustrated waiting, so we all kept quiet ..
finally the rice came hahah ..
oh and there was this red, F430 in travelling in front of us in taka's carpark ..
since the entrance to the basement carpark, i was waiting for a scrapping sound ..
there are quite some humps hahaha, and the car is low hahah ..
than we were joking about the car hahah ..
we were behindthe ferrari but we managed to get the lot first ..
marcus was like haha, drive one ferrari, i drive one BMW, but i get the lot first haha ..
okie, lame hahah ..
the driver looked like a bookie, his girl was quite ok la ..
his car, beautiful ahahah ..
headed to funan, collected my lappy, than went over to LTA building at bishan ..
transfer license plate stuff for the car ..
went to the coffee shop opposite the salvation army building ..
had a drink, than made our way home ..
man i am tired tired tired ..
gonna head to school in the morning, meet the rest to study a bit more ..
than head for the exam, think there's copying thats gonna happen tml ..
it always happens, especially in the lecture theater ..
even swapped papers around a few times hahah ..
give you one account of what happen when i did a paper switch with andrew ..
me, andrew, chan fai, and i think eugene or faizal set in a square formation ..
one chair spacing between each person for every row ..
so each of us knows the ans to a few diff types of questions on the paper ..
thatwas in year one sem 2 i think ..
last min chiong de hahah ..
so what happened was, andrew solved this particular question ..
and he signaled to me, he was sitting diagonally away from me,
my right back ..
so i wrote, "write the ans here" on my question paper ..
and we exchanged our question papers when the lecturers weren't looking ..
guess what he wrote instead ..
he wrote in english, the steps to finding the ans -_-"
than he signaled for a change back ..
i was turned and ask him so fast ? he said ya, i very fast one ..
when i saw the paper, i turned round and went, " what the fuck? ans la, not steps"
loud enough to attract the lecturers but not clear enough for them to hear the conversation ..
of cause, the rest of our classmate broke out in laughter haha ..
lecturer just went "eh exam la, quiet can"
so yeah, exchanging papers does have problems at time hahaha ..
anyway, shall see how tml, maybe wei xiong to copy the formulaes again ..
he is damn good writing words down super small sized,
the best part is it still can be read ..
take the sentence above this, he write on a piece of paper 2 key board buttons wide,
using only one line ..
of cause he has to use those pen like the pilot kind, the super thin tip ..
man, its still in me, the two of you ..
memories and hope fighting against the desire to move on to another ..
lets just say, i desire both, but of cause, ultimately,
i would only get to choose one right ..
give me a choice and my ans would be, i cant give either up ..
the two are obviously girls this round, dunch needa guess who ..
your would never find out ..
cause most of my friends only part of my life, the me that they see ..
like for example my classmates would know my school life quite well,
but not my band friends, and the other way for my band friends ..
i just realised i can group my circle of friends into 5 groups ..
band friends, school friends, catholic church friends,
christian curch friends, other friends ..
each knows pretty little about the other 4 areas of my life, save a few in total
that knows a bit more than the others, but thats that ..
so yeah, your would never guess the whole thing fully ..
your knowledge of me would only give you so much clue
cause that is what i choose to reveal to you ..
man, i wish i never knew how to love, i wish i had stayed the quiet boy i was ..
it hurts and it really hurts, to love, and to hold on to memories and hope ..
i think it would be best for me to maintain singlehood,
anyway the time isn't right yet, cant even support myself,
talk about getting a girlfriend ..
yeah, so the i'll just let it fight itself out in my head ..
believe it or not, but the two of your kept me up till 4am again last night ..
just could sleep at all though i was dead tired ..
than suddenly i just knocked out, no dreams at all, just darkness ..
woke up in the morning with both pillows under my head,
and i was hugging my bolster facing the ceilinglike a dead man in his coffin ..
found it pretty strange, since i hate sleeping with 2 pillows under my head/neck ..
one would be under, and the other has to be on top, covering my eyes, to my nose ..
if not i sure wouldn't be able to sleep unlessi am dead dead tired ..
and strange since i remember knocking out on my side ..
was hugging my bloster on my side while thinking, and my pillow,
thats usually on top of my head, was supposed to be behind my back ..
the only thing that was in place was my blanket, it was still up to my neck as usual ..
cant be dad or mum who shifted me, they would have seen the tattoo,
and i would be dead by now, talk about blogging ..
the only sentence you would see for today's entry would be
died onthe morning on 02 feb 2007,
killed by his tattoo ..
hmmm, i wonder i wonder i wonder ..
i still remember that good night kiss we shared, do you ?
saw my own face in the bathroom mirror, in the morning ..
thought of something and i just laughed at it in my head ..
cant believe that my mother's mum, a pious catholic,
had my fortune read when i was young ..
i still remember what was told by reading this face of mine,
was related to some feature of my face hahah ..
so much for being a pious catholic, hypocrite ..
if it weren't you and that son of yours, brother wouldn't be like this today ..
cant find something that i want ..
this game that me and bros used to play ..
cant find the first CD means cant install le, damn damn damn ..
left with the expansion cd :( haha, might as well break it already ahah ..
let me see, me and bros currently are left with ..
the need for speed collection, up to carbon or underground ..
rome total war, the first one ..
age of empires III ..
diablo full set ..
i want star craft !!!
oh we got frozen throne and dota haha, pirated de hahahah ..
actually, dont even have the CD hahah ..
i am thinking, what if i let my head grow like a forest once again ..
let it curl like it used to when i was a kid hahah ..
wonder what would i look like ..
too bad my hair is pretty thin now,
used to have alot hair when i was young ..
andrew just jio-edme to st james power house again ..
he has some card which grands him free entry, i think some VIP stuff ..
had to turn him down ..
a bit mad actually, tonight go and chiong ..
so tomorrow, sleep during exam, wanna copy also see stars ..
nah, no more chionging anyway ..
just remembered i promised to stop drinking unless
its someone's birthday or something ..
think wayne foresaw it, and mathew saw something as well that night ..
wayne told me and eugene something last year, he told me something
about myself, he felt that i would change alot and be quite different from then me ..
that was year 1 sem 1 hahah, dunch know how much i have changed ..
what mathew saw that night must have shocked him,
cause he just looked at me and shook his head haha ..
none of them would have guess me to like this i guess ..
anyway, gonna turn here, party's over ..
hope your would just leave with this turning point ..
actually, i hope that i would meet with some accident that would
cause me to forget my past, or create a mental block of some kind ..
than i wouldn't have to have the pain of beautiful memories ..
i am pretty fine thanks, this is just a channel for something like,
thinking out loud ..
i am tired, dont wanna dream anymore, dreams bring hope to man
but instead bring late nights to me ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:15


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