Monday, February 05, 2007
finally managed to upload the pictures onto my sister's com ..all these were taken over the week ..
the first would be yogi watching the monsters destroy her play ground ..oh the small dog beside her would be poofy ..
some new plants for the back ..planted already ..
my plant, the one by my bed ..
taken from my room, from right to left ..the areas covered in brown were just a piece of grass land ..till the started dumping soil that they dug up ..the rectangular mass of cow grass was planted by our land scape guy got the rest of the houses together and they agreed to do up their back yard, again ..came today and planted even more grass, the stones would be done tomorrow i think ..all the small trees and plants belongs to the occupants of the area haha ..its actually state land, used by the military for their training,and it becomes our dogs' play/shitting ground and the occupants garden ..

went driving today, got sabo but stupid motorcycle driver ..forgot what he did, but i tried to avoid him, and as a result drove a little too fast ..and the instructor went on about driving slowly ..instructor was dunno doing what, burpping away, yucks, stinks ..went driving outside the circuit today, scary at first the hang of it after the first round ..usually i would be driving beside motor bikes and similiar cars in the circuit ..but when i came out of the circuit, i was driving besidedouble decker buses, industrial vehicles and impatient other impatient drivers ..scary scary, so much so that i was trying to control myself ..i was speeding up because the car behind me was super close, scary ..than was so blur, when it was time to switch over,i got out of the car and bumped my head against the top of the car ..2nd time i had to switch over to the driver side, i got out the car, turned to early and bumped into the side of the car, ouch, there goes my hip bone ..damn funny la the whole day ..think i must ask ah ma to buy 4d le,got the same car 2 times in a row, same instructor 5 times in a row ..and i didn't book him specifically number 37, so 3725 ? 5237 ? 7325 ? 1357, dohhhhhhh ..dunno la hahah, just cranky hahahah
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:38