Notes N Wheels

Monday, April 02, 2007

man i am very hungry, uber hungry hahaha ..
okie thats crap, dunch know who came up with that word ..
hmmmm, was eating bread with peanut butter, kaya last night ..
watching HBO at the same time, that was around 240am ..
some how i like coming down to watch TV nowadays at this time ..
the house is so much more peaceful, quiet and ya, there's no one to disturb me ..
ok, its pretty dark and yeah eerie at times but at least i enjoy it ..
if i am feeling warm, just needa open the doors and within a short while,
the cool air will just fill the living room, and its really very cold air ..
so what would i do? hot milo and a few pieces of bread hahaha ..
yeah, thats enjoyment for me at that time of the day for me haha ..
i guess we all need some time to ourselves every now and then,
cant always be hanging out around with our pals right ..

talking ab0ut pals, buddy, friends whatever you call yours ..
i realised that there is a trend among the guys in this family ..
we keep our network of friends small ..
ok not including the hi bye people, those aren't friends, just everyday passer-by ..
friends are those that we would hang out with and stuff ..
yeah, we keep them small for some reasons, even lesser for good friends ..
i dont think there is a best friend for me already cause i sorta place them on equal levels ..
the "best friend" post can only be taken by one, and i gt a few of them, so, good friend ..
okie, girl friend is the highest of cause hahaha ..
anyway no point having so many friends though one more friend is one less enemy ..
dont see the point of having call someone a friend when you
cant be bothered about that person right ..

hmmm, ok, giving myself 3 to 4 months to save upp that 700 ..
must get it to work out, set my cash flow right ..
its not a try, its a must hahaha, need it baby ..
oh its been quite a while since we went to liquid kitchen, think i wanna go again ..
and i wanna go for a swim as well, like years since i enter a pool ..
when was the last time? i can only remember pri 5, cause i stopped swimming after that ..
yeah, and cycling as well? yeah head to east coast or something ..
samual woke me up. or rather, gave the one fatal blow to my sleepiness ..
phone calls always wake me up, not because of the ringing but rather because of the conversation ..
anyway it was about reeds, had him get some reeds as he was getting some for himself as well ..
that way i can save a trip and he can do a good deed, delicious hahaha ..
now thats, what i call, BULL SHIT ..
the term bull shit came to me when i was primary 5 ..
i think david brian started it, was a reply to some irritating class mate of ours ..
where do you stay? bull shit
every reply was bull shit ..

saw a shirt by FCUK, just a plain black tee shirt with the words,
"are you FCUKIN it" across the front of the shirt ..
plenty of this kinda crap designs haaha, marcus has one, cant remember who gave it to him ..
to characters getting on with it sewn on the back of the shirt with some wordings in front ..
zisky has quite some of these shirts i think, works at new urban male hahah ..
talking about shirts, dad did a check with some friends last time, about 4 or 5 years back ..
if you order in bulk from china, you can shirts of quite a quality for like 3 cents a piece ..
again the price depends on the size of your order, and of cause the material ..
think about that, get a real good quality one, brand it with your shop's name and stuff ..
get them to add designs you want of cause, and you can sell it for quite a profit ..
haha sometimes i dunch understand how it twitches the mind ..
you got two shirts of equal quality, both pleasent designs but different branding ..
so one sells at 10 and the other at 30 ..
i dunch know why but people go for the 30, not all cases but yeah, brand sells ?

gosh i just had a bath and now i am perspiring like no one's business ..
think i wanna access vanessa's com later haha ..
she got lotsa nice pop songs in her com, gonna steal some from her heehee ..

okie cleared the virus from my com le, actually 2 of it ..
is there such a word as viruses ? dunch think so right ..
kk, anyway, no i didn't watch porn thats why it came into my com ..
2 "A"'s in a day asked me the same question hahah, was like nono hahah ..
kk, anyway, it came from msn, this friend of mine, his msn was infected and it was sending those files to his contacts and because the way the message was typed out was so like him,
i accepted the damn file and even unzipped it ..
ahhaha, after a while the screen behaved like some super natural force was near me ..
you know it starts to warp, and stuff, and a little bit of like color run ..
like the thing controling the pixels has gone hay wire hahah ..
i was like oh shit, finished, quickly installed the anti virus and stuff but yeah,
got one down and the other was still around ..
no choice, just reformat the damn thing cause it was really thrash already, the com ..
install the anti virus again, did a complete scan got the 2, removed them ..
why i didn't install any anti virus? didn't have the software, didn't wanna download ..

i am hungry hungry hungry, so very hungry ..
oh, for those who wanna have a laugh, check this out at youtube -- jesus parody ..
its about terminator in jesus' time, i mean went back, and thats a fake arnold ..
told marcus to watch it and he ended up banging the table ..
ok, some facts ..
crucifixion on the cross, the idea was not from the romans, it was from a country they conquered but the romans were the one who perfected the method on killing on the cross ..
in a normal case, the cross would be a tau cross or just a cross in that looks like a "T"
jesus' cross was special partly because of the sign above him ..
and the up-side down cross came before it was use to represent satanism ..
it was by one of his disciples who was to be crucified but found himself
unworthy to die in the same way christ had died and therefore up-side-down ..
anyway, yeah the romans perfected it ..
breaking of criminal's legs at the knees not only prevented escape but
was also the reason why the criminals would die ..
suffocation due to muscle fatigue, what ever muscles used to help breathing like the diaphragm.
due to some reasons, some fluid would slowly sip into the lungs,
this causes breathing to be more difficult so the fellow will try to get what ever air he can right ..
but realise his legs are broken and after a while his arm and chest muscles would be
quite incapable of pushing his body into a posistion that allows easier breathing ..
so the fellow dies of suffocation after quite a few hours ?
came from a modern day medical report ..

hmmm, just cleaned the algae off the the sides of the ponds recently ..
now its all over over again, sucks, and to get rid of the algae from the pond ..
you need like one entire bottle of those green away of something ..
the ones like 15 cm tall bottles ..
and its raining again ahha, but thats cool, cool air ..
for some reasons, i seem to hear a guitar being played on by someone ..
but obviously there isn't anyone in the house who can play a guitar ..
and the sounds made by the rain fall would drown it if anyone is playing on one ..
freaking haha, kk, shall end here, i love the weather ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 12:48


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