Tuesday, August 07, 2007
ok, just pierced the upper ridge of my ear, forgot what they call that area.anyway, its at the wrong part, or at least, i think it is. so yeah, gonna get another one done, not gonna remove this one just yet.i cant anyway, not now, unless i want an infection or something. and i may just be able to do an orbit if both holes are just nice.maybe not an orbit, just a curved barbell. was very very irritated actually. the lady couldn't understand what i wanted.hell anyway, i know roughly where to pierce the next one.but its quite risky i think, to have the back of the stud sticking out of corner ridge of the ear. maybe i would have 5 of it along the ridge, look like a metal braces for ears hahah.no la, just kidding, thats costly. not to mention, kinda stupid.oh, the ring's gone from the ear. letting the hole close up.girl friend's got one new one too, nearly a week back. on her ridge.due to veins though, she cant have hers where she wants it. but its neat and she's still pretty.hmmm, was just thinking, why do i need a gf now anyway.i mean its like, at this age, life aint really settled yet.yeah we know roughly what path we are on. but most of us have really yet to settle on that path. we almost cant say, this for sure, is the path i am taking.nothing is stable for any of us at this age.i mean most of us dont even hold a stable job.yeah, so getting a gf now, because we work out now, doesn't mean it would last when things start to change. worst still, if things change in the future, and remain that way.and that change rocks up the relationship than hey, big problem.so yeah, i guess my next relationship, would be after i have decided that my life has more or less been laid out and more or less settled.of cause, not that i would dump heike now or anything la.i would still do what it takes to try and make this one work out.ok, so tonight was a toad catching one. dad caught 4 in one night.me and elder bro helped search and flush them out from the plants.3 of us were just working together for the last 2. went to the coffee chop for a chat over some drinks after that.and wa la, here i am blogging. hmmm. gonna bring the cable to work tomorrow.connect the Ipod to the sound system. and we would have fun music.3 of us are the kind of like, fun loving ? so yeah. ahhaha.its time to have some fresh new music over the speakers.and there's a pimple on the left side of my nose, and its uncomfortable.and a new one forming on the tip. must be that nose rub with her haha.no la just kidding. and let me see. hmmm. the fence yeah. not that good.gonna modify it, cause it blocks off our view at night.you cant look out into the forest when we switch on the 30W lamp.the top part of the mesh reflects back some light, so yeah, cant see anything.gonna trim off about 1.5 to 2 feet ? that would still leave ample protection.oh yeah, since we have got wire mesh already. think i am gonna try something.see, the forest is loaded with morning glory. and its a pretty side in the morning.thing is, its pretty scattered so yeah, its just small purple dots her and there.what i plan to do is, coil up the wire mesh into a tube, end to end, not a very wide diameter. say about 1 ft tall? tie the ends to make it stay.stick it to the ground with a stick or something, that part's easy.than get the morning glory, coil it round the mesh.make a few of it, maybe triangular instead of circular. shall see.so yeah, put it at different parts of "our" back yard hahah.maybe just throw some around the edge of the plot to make it look natural.and in the morning when you are sipping a hot drink, at least there's some pretty flowers to look at. gonna see if i can get the hanging plants to grow in another pot.grow more of it, then we would have pink flowers as well. gotta find other kinds of colored flowers. have a myriad of colors haha.yup that would be even better, the garder of Eden.shall start with the wild flowering plants, they are damn hardy.sat morning, if i am not going to ssw, shall spend the day doing that.help dad decorate the garden a bit. he feels like he's the only one doing everything.which is damn true. and damn sad. and shit, i feel bad when i saw his fingers bleed. shall fix the wires of that last fence properly if he hasn't done it yet.that one was done up with fasteners cause we were rushing. dinner.i think he burst the blisters, cut away the skin, cause they are now holes.really big holes. all that twisting of the metal with the pliers. yeah.so yeah, its my turn now.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:38