Saturday, September 29, 2007

ok i cant sleep. so this was what i did ahha. rearranged some stuff for 2 of the shelves.which is the last picture. found somethings. a few pieces of paper.recorded our first few moments together. me and her. i threw away some of the later ones in a feat of anger last time, wasted.cant believe i was actually so insane as to keep a "diary" of our relationship.the first picture, quoted from the bible, was written by her in silver marker.stored them somewhere temporarily. oh yeah, the heart wasn't drawn by me.i have never drawn a heart that's close to that. she was the artist.oh well, brings back sweet memories.hmmm, shawn has been diagnosed with diabetes.
found out about it when he when for his NS med-check up.
such a close cousin he is, that he's like a younger brother to me.
strangely though, i feel nothing when i heard the news.
i dont feel anything for any of my relatives anymore.
i would be like, oh, sorry to hear that. but in actual fact, i dun feel a thing.
maybe i just blocked everything out so well, or maybe i am just super self centered.
so much so that others matter so little to me already.
the people that pity the most for though, are his parents.
yeah, the ones that raised me. their only child. aunt must be feeling really lousy.
i dunno really. i feel disgusted by myself.its not 03:17. melvyn's stayed over. he's gonna drag us for a jog tomorrow. its gonna be at 07:00 hrs. 2 or 3 rounds around the estate. gonna kill me.i can barely survive one round ahahha. my eyes are tired. think i can sleep after this entry. talking about eyes. something's wrong with my vision. cant focus on what i am smsing.and its a bit hard to focus when i am reading the papers.either because of the sloan that was on my hand when i rubbed my eyes last night.or, it could be the table lamp. the room was pitch black.itchy finger me, went to switch on the light. forgot the bulb was facing it was like a flash bang hahah, twice. dun ask why twice.anyway, woke up this morning realising i could reply the messages cause i could read what i typed.shall give it a few more days. went to the zhi zha store at upper pierce for dinner. whole family except marcus.there wasn't enough space in dad's car, so dad old melvyn to use marcus was damn hilarious. we could figure out how to unlock the passenger doors.marcus had the key re-programmed. got in, melvyn fiddled around.get a rough feel of the car. went in, wanted to adjust the seat.started searching for the handle to release the seat. couldn't find one.than he realised, oh everythings electronic haha.came to the lights and signal lights. continential car, so left is right, and right is left.a little bit of confusion ahha.found the signal swtiches, could signal left and right but could switch it off haha. but we still couldn't find the switches for the head lights.had to give marcus a call. drove along springside ave. get a feel of the car. he drives better than marcus. way we reached the place. saw michelle chia and this other actor. quite a handsome actor, he hasn't been acting for quite a while already.guess they were having a family dinner too, cause some of the children looked like him. shared the same features.i have failed in something that i wanted to correct. instead of correcting it, i went the opposite way. instead of trying to be less materialistic, i realised i am becoming more materialistic.not good, definitely not good. so all shopping budgets would be day is this monday.. yeah yeah yeah hahahaha..gonna see the money grow in my account hahahahah..thats my latest hobby i guess. watching money grow in my feels great hehe. i suddenly realised something. i dont wanna get a sports car or something like that. i just want a car that's able to bring me from point A to B safely. speed wise, no point getting a fast car. welcome to singapore.okie, shall end here. 11 mins into highlights from chest. it sounds like a knight in shining armour has arrived to save the day.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 02:57