Thursday, October 18, 2007

yesh, my latest toy. also the my most expensive purchase to date haha.
canon powershot S5 IS. narrowed down my search to this one.
it was either the Ixus 950 IS, Ixus 860 IS, Powershot S3 IS or the S5 IS.
this range has what i want, more fun in it. more flexible too.
when i was bought the cam back, dad was nagging a little bit.
was saying how much i get it, he could get it cheaper from uncle sam.
called uncle sam at 12 mid-night, uncle sam told him 600 plus, i bought it at 710.
said he would check at the shop the next morning cause he wasn't sure.
based on that, dad went on and on about me getting cheated.
heard it was MS color he said, oh sure get cheated. things there are ex.
marcus was laughing and laughing, melvyn was nvm, take it as a lesson learnt.
marcus took the cam, just fiddled with it. than he was like, haha SLR look a like.
than we were joking about this and that.
then he was like, haha you cant change the lens. i was like, no can change.
just push this ring, press this turn that, than can change liao.
he was like wa.
continued to find some other things that it couldn't match up to the SLR.
well, the website already says it,
The Power of an SLR, The convenience of a Powershot.
anyway, uncle sam called the next day,
told dad the price for us would be 710 if i wanted.
it was only on wednesday, that i learnt my friend was MS Color's boss' son.
that explains why he quoted cash price for the cameras i was checking on.
and the very few but extra break time he had hahah.
shit, i should have realised it, since he didn't always wear their shirt to work.
ah, martin and vanessa has a blog. how interesting.
quite simple blogs. martin's really simple.
almost like mine without the music and tagboard. vanessa's blog is more fanciful.
well, she is a young girl.
and melvyn takes hell alot of pictures like marcus too.
only that he likes taking people and sports kind. like fencing.
the FSI club even bought his pictures for their upcoming website. cool eh.
saw some of the pictures he took of people. quite nice.
what does he like about it? the emotion they display.
he says, the picture must tell story. and he gave some examples.
our common kinda picture, those that are partially off focus. a blur effect kind.
shit. i didn't realise all this until recently.
ah, an easier way to organise our contacts on our phones.
see, i have 3 bros and a sis.
so its pretty troublesome to scroll to the different names to get them.
cant list it as bro 1 2 4, cause then, sis would end up somewhere else in the list.
so now its number 1,2, 4, 5. gets the job done, simple and neat.
got the idea from melvyn. he always go, watashi number 1.
too much Japanese anime already. darn. Iphone delayed.
coming in end of nov. long way to go. i realised that if i get that.
i would be able to sell my current phone for cash.
use the cash to get a phone for army. oh well.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:10