Friday, February 15, 2008
accompanied parents to suntec to get some real winter wear yesterday afternoon.was just walking here and there. realised there were lotsa nicely dressed couples.and then i remembered, oh yeah, valentines day. as i was thinking to myself, countless couples walked pass hand in hand.and then, i guess its the mitchell in me, said, ouch.what am i doing with my parents and not a girl on valentines day? or a friend at least?hahahha, dunno. weird you know. you have really beautiful girls, holding hands with not at all handsome boys. thats really OUCH. get specs or something. thats not bad have quite nice looking girls, in some cases, holding hands with ugly butches.thats like, beyond ouch, its yeeeww ? i rather they go for the ugly guys hahahaha.went to band after that, and wai geng said i looked like a coffee shop uncle hahah.berms, tee shirt and flip flops haha. swo would be the same too.gotta change my reed. getting too thin. not sure if its me or the reed, squeaks.i shall experiment on saturday. find out the reason.maybe i have to open up the spare reed already. i played horribly yesterday.hmmm, slack le slack le, tsk tsk. only marcus is home, and he is sleeping !!i feel like taking out one of the EOS for a while, just play around with it hehehe.should i ? should ??????? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 11:21