Thursday, February 07, 2008
alright, CNY has been pretty fine.
if its held at my place, it would be even better.
cause then, i wouldn't have to like travel hehe.
won 65 playing mah jong, uncle kevin was coaching me, thats how i won.
but i kept "pulling" all the right tiles and all those
flowers and animals almost every round. had some limit breaks.
then, it came to black jack. lost around 100? estimated. so loses are like 35.
played down the figure to about 40 when uncle and aunt asked.
cause they would top up the figure if it was too much.
when you gamble, be prepared to lose. if you lose, accept it like a man.
oh well tomorrow's the second day. gonna head down to dad's friend's house.
not sure if the others would be there. they are the BMW forum members.
oh well. HONG BAO !!!
okie this was taken by Fikri quite a while back, laugh at it.
some of you need some laughter to add to your day, here it is.
from mitchell, to his pals, here for you in a different way.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:09