Notes N Wheels

Monday, January 28, 2008

it always has to be a christian girl isn't it? darn irritating.
really very very very irritating. always get stuck at them.
one way or another, by my own doing or by some one elses.
thats why i dislike liking their kind, i can never win them. argghhh.

the cross, reminds of The Kingdom of Heaven.
No.4 did some research. read up here and there.
found out that, balian, the main character ain't that noble a knight.
after failing to defend jeruselum,
he went back with the english to try and retake the city.
when he lost it, it was because the invading army "surrendered"
balian threatened to tear down every building, the shrine and all in the city.
so they gave the city up, the people's safe, everyone's happy.
thing is, he promised not to take up arms against Salahudin.
he did in the end, was captured, and Salahudin let him go still.
the Lepar king, dunno how you spell that. wasn't a very peaceful king.
in fact, he was a brilliant strategist. found his first battle at age 13.
continued to win many battles till he started losing to Salahudin.
was known as the Warrior King. not bad how a show can distort facts.
thats why they call it, zho hi. acting/movie making, in dialect.

oooo, a few more days, cant tahan liao.
a little stress. tests. cant take tests, hate it seriously.
i think out of every 3 to 5 test, i do really well for only 1 ahaha.
must remember to get my levi's jeans ready by then haha.
thats a good pai of jeans to drive with my "driving shoes". comfortable.
the others are too long. and i dun like my jeans to drag against the floor when i walk.
looks very sloppy and ah bengish to me. besides, why spoil a good pair of jeans.
its starts at 430pm. yck sectionals end at 5 plus, they would be out by say 530?
i hope vimal doesn't play by the road. drive halfway and out jumps vimal.
if i dun stop in time, he would be stuck on the wind screen as though
he's dampening the gong with both hands, and face. what a sight.
4 hrs worth of lesson on tues and wed. 1 to 5 each.
thurs break. test on friday. need a glass of martell before that.
obviously i cant have one. maybe teh-O. its all in the mind.
believe in it, and it shall be. as long as it looks like martell, it'll get the job done.
without knocking me out hehe. no la, one glass only, no fight.
haven't even say shot glass or beer mug kinda size.
arghghghghg, i cant sleep, everytime i try to sleep.
i would imagine some thing funny that would happen during my test.
the worst case senarios would just play over and over in my head.
after i get the license its okie, before i get it, its not ok. still needa play by the rules.
AHHHHHHH i wasn't born to live by rules. shucks.

okie, i wouldn't be getting any car from dad, said that many times.
told him i dont want a car too. jap car, german car what ever la.
i dont want a car, at least for now. enlisting soon. waste of cash.
and while speaking to number 1 earlier on, i just realised somehting.
i wont get to drive any of the beamers. the smallest cc is, 3000.
thats melvyn's. leaving me with the other 3. 3000cc with dual turbo chargers.
4300cc and a 4800cc. all of which, I CANT TOUCH.
imagine, press one time can fly liao. and i have got a heavy foot.
i can beat a toyata crown taxi with that old learning
car when the traffic lights turn green. of cause i let the clutch engage a little la.
near half clutch. clutch lining burn out also not my car, i pay money one leh.
so yeah. i think i'll stick to being chaffeured around? in my merc or volvo?
extra long in some cases. shortest is still a stretched limo.
lotsa other friends including cockroaches to accompany me?
what more can i ask for, so many friends. plus alien friends.
at the price of 1.10 like that. so yeah. my friend asked for a spin.
i said sure. looks like i have to borrow an SBS bus hehe.
and we'll go for a spin. hang on for ,Speed. only this time,
the police would be chasing us, and there isn't a bomb on board.
oh yeah, the hot babe Sandra Bullock wouldn't be on board too. sigh.
how about Maria Sharapova or something like that, is she still in town?
~~~every shot is a p0wer shot~~~ smile smile HEEE
i think she can lift me up with one arm. eeeyyyeerr scary.
**lifts me up**whose your mama** i surrender..

jolynn would be doing her bike TP soon.
hope she gets her bike license. than i can take a ride.
no k, i am not doing that to eat tofu, shes a good friend, and i love bikes.
okie, yeah shes cute and pretty. no la, actually sweet looking.
ok thats a little mean. ok, i am going mad. wth its 5 am already.
i got a mah jong session at Addison's place at like 1pm later.
last min thing hahah. think i'll fall asleep in the bus or at the table haha.
think i am not gonna sleep. force my bio clock to get back to normal.

CARS CARS CARS. the neighbours thought we bought a new car.
there's a new beamer in the area, a 325i. our good friend told us.
said some of the neighbours were chatting (gossiping) with him. hehe.
after a while, they came to a conclusion it wasn't ours.
***dad confirmed it wasn't ours the moment neighbour brought it up***
why did they conclude so?!??!!??!
1--the number plate's 25, not 27. ours are all 27.
2--the car is painted metalic grey. ours are all black, jet black or what black la.
how to confirm its really our car ?
besides the above two.
3--the rims, super low/low profile rims for that model's class
4--black liner rear lights for all except the SUV.
5--the number plates do not have a frame.
if it does, its says "not for the faint hearted"
6--it comes with an M series steering or an AC schnitzher body kit.
7--the model's not really out in the local market yet, if not its not on the list.
8--if any of the drivers look like me, we are clones, believe me,
came out from the same production line/factory.
9--how can i forget this, the head lamps have xenon light bulbs.
10-- if its a Z4 coupe, its cover with mud at the side. more like a rally car.
melvyn's work place, muddy area. and ntu area's nearly similiar some times.
11--if the driver's very guai lan, thats usually daddy. he's damn childish for his age.
12--oh ya, the rim size or overall tire size, usually has a wider than normal diameter.
13--rims are usually BBS, AC schnitzher or BMW. very blink one, buah tahan one.
14--if you see lotsa monkeys plus me popping out of the beamer. confirm it is de.
if you see any of the above beamer descriptions buang until jialat jialat,
sms me k. might be my second brother again TSK TSK TSK HEHEHE.
then i'll rush home for 1812 overture. better than the leningrad artillary units.
oh yeah, those of your who want the 1812 overture that has the choir singing.
just ask me for it. includes a church bell, and real guns.
guns not = pistol. guns are artillaries. pistols and revolvers are yeah. not guns.
like wth la, i just blog an entire chunk of bull shit.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 04:27


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