okie, didnt really take much pictures.
cause most of the time, we were in the different restaurants.
eating, drinking, chatting. each time we sat down, it was like 2 hrs long.
in between, we did SOME shopping. if not, we would be in the car.
travelling time is a killer. literally, you sit in the car till your legs go weak.
got myself a few things from the trip.
something like a trench coat, not the super long one. slightly above the knee.
a bottle of chivas regal royal salute. some korean drinking pals haha.
oh yeah, the food there hahaha. its either super fresh, like cooked in front of you.
if not, its fermented food like kimchi.
there are in betweens, the not so traditional ones.
and i managed to make some girls turn their heads for the right reason HAHA.
apparently, their guys aren't that good looking.
we have got premium stock in sg i guess, well known for our QC anyway. hehe.