Saturday, April 19, 2008
alright, stupid bus was super late the entire company just stood at the car park, platoon level.just waited and waited and waited. much for being on the ball.alright, went out with best pal today, to town.i felt like a sua ku la. parked at The Center Point. strolled around in the mall.i was like wa, since when was there another section?guess its pretty new. its called the food street or something like that.went over to The Heeren, cineleisure and takashimaya.lotsa girls hahahah. suddenly i find the ah lian dressing pretty attractive.its really bad for a guy to be in tekong for too long. went window shopping. couldn't find the tee shirt i want from GUESS anymore.its no longer in production i guess. oh well, that saved my pocket hehe.shall window shop again next week. this time i'll take the train there. oh yeah, i love parking the car, but thats the park i fear most about driving too.afraid that i would get honked at for taking too long far, its been good, pretty fast hahaha.last of all. i hope i hit the gold for my 2.4 run. thats 9min 45secs below.than i would get the gold for my ippt !!!
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:10