Sunday, October 05, 2008
more then usual today. was trying to drain the camera batteries.this one's the mini speakers that i bought recently. pretty good pair of speakers. around 70 bucks.
number 1 bought this bobble head star wars figurines for martin and i.yoda's his and trooper's mine.
this is the plant for my desk. was at Far East Flora today.chose a white pot and this green leave fellow cause my desk area,is like mainly dark brown in color. woody woody yup, white and green. something different.
some changes done.the blinds have been changed. this is the original ones selected for my room.the brown ones in previous pictures are actually for my brother's room.curtain guys got mixed up. light bulb has been changed to 60 watts bulbs.for both mine and martin's pendant lights.
ah this one. was testing out the effects of flash on the water.somehow, the lightings above the car turn out different with the flash.i think i forgot to switch one of the settings. its not supposed to be so yellow.
okay, this picture is strange to me. i still cant figure out how those rays of light came about.cant replicate this shot. flash was on.maybe reflection from the car at a certain angle? no idea.
pebbles with her white eyes
this is one huge dog cage. i think its 7ft by 7ft.had a roof made for it plus canvas sheets as walls.just roll it back up when you dun wanna use it. cage is meant to keep the doors in when it rains.cause when their fur gets wet, they stink big time.oh that small fellow's poofy.
say cheese. thats mini on the left, siti on the right.
started on a new book. some star wars novel.its a series. this one is some where in the middle of that series.cant find the others, managed to get two only.bought two new books last week.the boy call it & the prequel to that book.--
bike course is ending soon.and, i have decided against taking the bike license.the civilian ones i mean. two reasons.firstly, i dun wanna hurt dad by going against his wishes.secondly, save the money. i can use it for other, to pay for that pair of oakleys. ------i thought i was the only one. it appears that my new buddy from recce is experiencing this too.we lost contact with most of our friends since enlisting.just like that. enlist and then wa la, gone.we hardly meet up with them. and even if we do, there's nothing much to talk about.and so we agreed lol, that we would be freaking good buddies.cause we would be seeing each other for the next 1 and a half years.and when we return for reservist. ahaha, man.------alright. i am returning to swo this coming sunday.and most likely would be able to attend all subsequent band practices.of cause, this is if all book in timings stay at 'by 2359'.its been a while. things dont seem good at all.cause the past, not few, band practices have been cancelled time and again.i must have lost quite a bit on skill lol.time to regain what i have lost. hopefully, practice would resume soon.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:49