Monday, May 11, 2009
alright, found out something interesting yesterday afternoon.while waiting for my dad, martin and my mother started chatting in the back seat.martin asked if we had links to the peranakan culture.cause quite some stuff looked really familiar to him when his class went for this heritage tour. so here goes.lets just use P for peranakan.on my dad's side, my great grandmother's a P.i used to wonder why was my grandma wearing the P kinda dressing style for her wedding pic. at that time, i didnt know it was a P style lol.the P was lost at my dad's mum's side. indonesian chinese. got P and baba and dunno what luh.anyway, my great grandpa, used to be in the logistics side as well.for shell. the petrol company. supposedly, they were quite influencial and needless to say, filthy rich.went over to malacca, and during the war, went some where.there's 4 family pictures, those big framed up kind. that's been shipped to,one of my grand aunt's house in canada. cause no one wanted to claim it, and her american husband said it was a waste, why not they keep it.anyway, upon learning about that, me and martin were like,wth, can we have it back? for a host of reasons luh.cause its like the only connection we have left to our ancestors lol.not only that, thats who we really are. and those r our great grand parents and whoever was from that generation. and i dont believe that a bunch of abc's would bothered that much about the pic already anyway.gotta get the pics back before my mum dies muahahahah.oh by the way, its not like in the show where they are all smiling.its really just very simple. in their formal traditional wear, no smiles.just rigid kinda thing. supposedly, it was because it was pretty ex to take big pics back they wanted to treat it as like a serious affair. and made sure it was done right.anyway, with regards to the huge family fortune.great grand dad passed it down to his son, mother's mum was his daughter. girls dun get much.then my grandma's brother, who inherited the fortune, passed it down to his sons. one was officially disowned, announced through the papers.for twice embezzling the company's funds. the other son didn't wanna take over the business,he wanted to carve out his own career. i have no idea what the hell happen to the business already. think it gone hahaha.that's one helluva big fortune.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 14:33