okay, drove martin's honda civic to yishun today.
wanted to deposit some cash into my uob account.
i was rushing a little cause i knew martin needed the car.
nearing home, there's this filter lane that i need to take.
it was already yellow, didnt wanna wait at the filter lane exit, for the other cars.
so i stepped on the gas. usually, i can take that turn at 70 or 80 with no probs.
today, i took it around 50 to 60. and i heard the tires screech.
i was like wa lao, thats very sian man. hahahah.
its really like what my dad says, a tin can on wheels. lol.
anyway, that led to realise how safe and reliable the beamer is.
and also how much i missed it. power is there when u need it.
for emergency or for abuse lol. and its really really safe.
dun have to worry about it losing traction. okie sounds as though i am advertising lol.
but yeah, its a damn gd car to me. the beamer i mean.
two thumbs down to the honda. ;)
power's there to abuse as well. reminds me of an incident.
about 3 to 5 months back. me and my friend were driving home.
***he drives a VW Passat, the older version. he's actually filthy rich.
has enough personal dough to buy an R8.***
so after turning right out of camp, there's another junction about 200m away.
and as usual it was red light. waited and waited.
then this blue mazda 3, came up behind me. will was on my left, center lane.
i was like, this mazda looks familiar. hmmm. okie nvm.
green light and we went off, took our time. slowly picked up speed and all.
we were already faster then the rest, and the mazda for some reason,
kept pushing me. i was like wth? engaged sports mode and zoooom.
he was far far far behind hahaha. next day in camp.
will was like, dude the car behind u yesterday? that blue mazda?
i think it was BSM's car lol. i was like, oh no wonder it looks so familiar.
then will went on to say how idiotic it was of him to push a better car.
and relate his experience with BSM, lousy experience.
BSM isn't a gd driver lol. BSM's sergent major. i am not sure what does B represent.
not in this unit yup. should be Battery though, since its artillery.