Wednesday, June 30, 2010
oki back to blog. new record, havent wash my car in more then a week.all my other cars didnt survived without a bath for more then 7 days straight.i really do not have the time needed to maintain it. worst, its white. so omg. and it has only gone for 1 session of polishing/ right it should be 3 already. the white's starting to have patches of black.nvm, i'll spray it orange the moment i have the spare cash. deep shining orange, with glossy black rims. racing stripes, maybe.anyway, i feel really bad not maintaining it. its just that i feel really tired after work. if i were to wash it, it means the earliest i can get to bed, would be 3am.and i would have to be up at 830am inthe morning.oh well, had one hell of rude customer yesterday.shouted at me in front of everyone. nope i didnt make any mistakes.its just that the first time he came, it was near the last order timing, so we informed him and he wasn't happy.this time, he came again, near to our last order we informed again and he blew his top saying they were being treated unfairly.i bet the whole restaurant was staring. his friends went quiet.the look on their faces was like mmmmmmmmmmm. like 40 plus yr old kind.that guy's like 25 to 28 only. supposed to be in the hotel line.taking some course to be a GM at Intercont******* Hotel. well, good luck to their service. maybe its a Good Manners course tsktsk.surprise surprise. i was taken aback when he shouted but i kept my cool.was i embarrassed or something? nah. demanding or voicing out one's depleasure, can be done in a gracious way.and other diners can tell. for instance.there was once when i thank a custormer for dinning with us, then greeted her G.bye.she said something in a very arrogant manner. the ladies sitting at the table beside us went, "whats wrong with her?"in that, shes such a bitch, tone. service ine is really an interesting one. my korean colleague bitched about that guy to our other two korean colleagues.they were so embarrassed and angry. cause he's from the same school as them.and they were like, mitchell are u ok? ahhaha cute girls.should have said not ok, need a hug :X yq dun read!!! :P
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:33