Notes N Wheels

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

here is a tiny part of the life of a boi that few really know ..
this entry is meant for his darling ..
this little boi first saw that girl after a concert he had played in ..
" my gosh , what a beauty " he thought ..
he just couldn't help stealing glances a her now and then throughout
the entire bus ride home ..
after that they went their own ways at the mrt station ,
at that point of time , relationships were still a game to him ,
though he wanted to really be serious , he couldn't help but wanna
explore other girls around him , so many girls , all unique ..
he just couldn't get enough ..
anyway , god knows what happened , he changed bit by bit
as he knew he girl better ..
he changed from wanting to play with her , to wanting to
be a good bf , even his friends said that he was lying ,
"dun siao la u, sure play around one , u and ur brothers all the same , one girl not enough one, always change girls like no one's business, dun try la it runs in ur blood"
they always joked this way ..
after some time , they knew each other alot more ,

and they got together on the 10th march 06 ..
it was her heart , she for who she was that

melted him and really changed his mind set ..
she was the one that made him decided to change ..
it wasn't an over night thing and it wasn't easy for him ..
what she saw in him , he didn't know ..
then came the obstacles along the way ,
objections to the relationship , fear of parents finding out ..
her studies , they couldn't really meet cause their sch timings clashed ..
they made it through quite alot of it surprisingly ..
what the silly little boi didnt know was that he was in some ways
still treating her like the way he treated the others ..
he wanted to be a gd bf but he just didnt know how to ..
the girl got so pissed off one day she lefted him ..
man he was heart broken , the first time in his life he couldn't
sleep well for many days , dreaming of her whenever he fell asleep ..
thinking of her whenever he was awake ..

missed entire days of school , lucky he had his friends ..
they called him a few times a day , did fun things with him ,
they tried to keep him busy , taking him out all over where
ever they went but he was still a mess in the inside ..
only then did he realised his mistake and how much she meant to him ..
after about 3 weeks he mentally drafted up a plan ..
that was his only chance at getting her back
17th june 2006 , he made plans with her to meet him that night after the concert ..
he wanted to ask her for a patch but he couldn't just say it out
in case he blew the chance ..
so he simply told her that he wanted to meet her after the concert
to chat with her for a while before sending her home ..
ok so it was done , concert ended , he sneaked out after the
main stuff was done , ran off to meet her and soon they were
on their way to the esplanade , along the way he did the same thing
that got them together and it worked ..
he was kinda surprised too , he expected a rejection ..
so fast forward a little , he is still trying to
be an even better bf to her , still learning to
more caring more understanding ..
trying to get to know more of her friends , her family ..
did something that he would have never done
for with another girl , was surprised that he actually did it ..
they were both very happy that it turned out positive ..
he was over joyed , so excited was that little boi that
he rang up his dear aunt the next morning ..
his darling called him little boi for a reason , a good reason ..
only she knew him nearly as well as his aunt ..
yes he still does hurt her at times ..
he still does cause her to cry at times ..
but the main thing he would like her to know from this story
is that , if he minded certain things about her , he would never have done
so much all this while ..
and he would also like her to know that she is
the first girl he really ever loved ,
the first girl that he tolerates little girls's tantrums ,
the first girl that he closes 2 eyes to everything she does that he dislikes ,
the first girl whose wrong doings he would forgive and still love no lesser ,
the first girl that he learnt to love everything she loves ..
he wants to be your little boi for as long as you
wanna remain his darling ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 06:00


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