Notes N Wheels

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

hmmm, was having a short conversation with Sigrid just now ..
mitchell : what do you think of it ?
sigrid : i think its useless, a dream of ours all this while ..
mitchell : really ? u think so too ?
sigrid : yeah, nothing but a uselss dream designed to implant false hope ..
mitchell : totally agree, waste of time, an illusion ..
hmmm, nothing much to blog about ..
been on the com the whole day ..
since i wake up i'll be gaming if not i would be on msn ..
and even that depends on whether my internet is working a not ..
if its not than i'll just have to play com games ..
would have to take my medicine at 00:00, must not forget !!
all at different timings, so irritating, gotta draw a time table or something soon haha ..
help me keep track of when should i take what ..
had roasted lamb leg for dinner ..
with butter rice and some other mince meat in dunno what sauce ..
lamb leg and butter rice is nice hahah ..
plain and simple and filling !!
hmmm, wonder what happened to the 2 shirts i bought ..
gotta check on them later, wonder if they are in the wrong cupboard ..
feel like eating chocolate, shall grab a piece later ..
than head back to my room to play com ..
if friends are online, msn with them ..
if not, start gaming, sound so robotic so mechanical ..
like the program for those robotic arms or something ..
hmmm, the windows media player bar seems to have some problem ..
cant get it to the dimensions i want even though i have adjusted the codes ..
hmmm, irritating, so out of place ..
getting a bit sleepy, dun wanna sleep ..
so boring, and i had dinner about 1 and a half hrs back ..
so soon sleep le, not very good, plus i am not moving around much ..
maybe this is the time for me to put on weight hahaha ..
maybe i would search for some show to watch later ..
dunno, see how la, getting super duper boring ..
man i miss band, oh yeah, talking about band ..
had this funny conversation with a friend which left me like, my gosh hahah ..
friend x : hey do you know when does swo resume practice ?
mitchell : eh, dunno leh ? 21st ? hahah i really dunno ..
friend x : huh so long ah
friend x : no band feel very strange leh, very empty very not used to it ..
mitchell : okie loh, than i ask andrew to start band earlier loh ? u want
7 or 14 of jan start haha ..
friend x : huh, dun need la, 21st is fine, than i can enjoy myself ahahah ..
mitchell : what de hell ..
finish the conversation already i was laughing and was like diao ..
hahah, man why do i have such funny friends hahaha ..
but its a good ting, they add laughter to my live ..
one smack of bright colored paint on me the plain canvas sheet ..
they make my life, all of them around me hahah ..
i think life is like this right ..
all of us are like canvas sheets with a plain base color of some sort,
that would be our general personality color ..
than we have all our other friends and people in our life,
that come along beside us and mark us with different colors depending on
what we experienced while they were around us ..
everyone comes along and takes a small ball of paint and throws it at us ..
smack !! and it marks u forever and stay there with you in your memories forever ..
yeah i guess its something like this ..
dun really know how to explain it, but yeah ..
in the end, we are covered with the experiences we have been through ..
if most of it is positive, brightly colored,
we turn out to be people that are more positive ..
and if its the other way, than we turn out the other way ..
hmmm, yeah, should be like this i guess ..
unless we are programmed with thinner and a wiper
so we'll always stay the same few colors hahah ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:03


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