Thursday, December 14, 2006
okie, their shopping in japan, was hahah mainly food hahah ..check out the way the stuff are presented to their customers neatly wrapped and all la ..
look at the this box of chocolates for example ..its sold wrapped up nicely, after un-wrapping it,you have the box than the chocolates in a holding bag,and after you have removed the tray from that bag,the indivual chocolates are nicely wrapped up in plastic too ..

check out their fruits hahahah fist followed by a persimont ( cant spell it ) hehe, and the fuji apple ..see those traces of yellow near the core of the apple ( 2nd pic ) ..its honey, according to the japanese tour guide ..and that white among the orange is the seed ..
martin wanted some lava rocks from the volcano eruption hahah he and my dad secretly took some hahaha,the tourist shop was selling these rocks for like SGD10 per piece ..martin's krytonite, i think this is the spelling for the superman stone ..
japanese note, its a 1000 yen, wasted not sing dollars
my sister bought this japanese wooden doll has a nose and mouth but for reasons it doesn't appear on this pic ..cute eh, scary too .. hahah
dad did some shopping too ..
dunno whats this, seems like tea to me ..
from disney sea ..
tibits, they taste damn good ..their wasabe sea weed is fabulous la ..
okie, shall ask my dad about the australia trip again later ..he was asking so many questions in the car about the trip shall show him the paper later ..they are going there again, to a different partduring june next year, too bad i have school most likely am not going la ..anyway this is all for now, cant remember what i wanna blog about ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:23