Friday, February 09, 2007
marcus chose this rims, ugly to me, very ah beng hahah ..anyway, when it spins, or rather when the wheel rotates, all you'll see are the brake dics and the brake thingy plus the depth of the rim ..looks beautiful when its viewed while rotating ..i prefer, 5 / star spooks design hahahah ..
studying in the library today, taken when i was gonna take a toilet break haah ..
just took this when i went blading ..these are the new phase of houses being constructed ..
collected stamps and coins when i was a little boy ..which ever country i went to, i collected all their coins, or what i could get my hands on hahah ..
the first ten coins in the picture above, this is one of them ..a man who treat me like i was his own grandson gave me 10 of these,another 10 to shawn and 10 to gabriel, his only grandsons ..note the date on the coins haha ..
hahaha, found my report books when i was cleaering up my drawer just now ..this report has the most amount of red marks hahaha ..
this is the 2nd most colorful de, all in sec 4 hahah ..
just found it only, seriously the geography thing haha, surprised me too ..
cause dad always asked us to study, so as long as there is a book in front,
its term as studying by us, so i kept reading the book over and over again haha ..
this is what happens, when you play too much hahah ..for me it was because of a girl hhaha, and i never learned my lesson ..virtually didn't study at all, dun be like me huh hahahah ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:49