Wednesday, April 25, 2007
i realised i have developed an obsession with this brand in particular.
dont ask me why, it dominates my back ground as well hahaha.
just love its loudness in some of its designs plus the comfort of the material used.
okie, enough about this.
right today was hahaha not boring at all hahaha.
went to the cc around 10:50, labelled the tux externally
so that it would be easier to distribute them tomorrow. buttoned them as well.
measured some stuff, took down the measurements of cause.
then i started to get a little bit bored. started to repair the spoilt black stands haha.
managed to fix 2 haha. dun think it will last super long though.
needs the correct part replacements. after that something came to my mind.
where are we gonna hang the tuxedoes tomorrow? made a rack using spare parts.
actually all those condemned parts. see how loh, got bored so just did it.
after a while, joce came in and said it was time to go.
ended up slacking in the office chit chatting with the counter staff as well haha.
and i had a piece of marbled sponge cake haha, what a relief !!
like had a cup of milo and 2 pieces of bread before i left house.
so yeah, shifted some boxes here and there then slack again.
finally made our way to the packing area. took like super long to pack a few hundred.
cause there was a lack of space and some mistakes, plus some stuff had not arrived.
so pack then wait then pack then wait then pack.
oh then there was the most horrible unexpected part of the day.
Mr Ong asked us to order food for ourselves, he wanted to treat us.
then we were like, er, dun need la not hungry. very ex, dun wan la haha.
than he went, nono your do work must eat one, have not eaten lunch right?
must eat one. orer order. and he handed the menu to joce.
he calls me ah boy i think. so he was like, ah just now give u the cake.
you only had one cake for lunch right, must eat must eat.
than our good friend was like, yaya you have not eaten quick order something.
and she handed me the menu. diao la. ahha very pai seh.
one cha kua twai was like 6 bugs can. so ex la.
can buy two plates of 3 bugs in the market la hahaha.
ok 2 plates make it sound more tsk tsk.
ok that was over and mr yee gave us a lift back, we were quite tired i guess.
so just knocked off in the car haha.
dropped us off at khatib mrt. crossed the road and we went to IKEA !!
ahhhhh, hot dogs & swedish balls here i come tsk tsk. sounds wrong, ok haha.
okie, reached there like quite a while later. think i felt asleep in the bus.
cause was like closed my eyes, and when i opened them i was like eh?
asked joce and she said we were at tampines.something like that, cant remember.
yeah, did our racky racky stuff at IKEA. had some funny lame stuff about pencils.
so was like walked and walked and walked haha. then we came out of the 2nd level.
and what was in front of us? swedish balls hahahahah. gave that a miss
after standing outside of the entrance for quite a while hahaha.
proceeded to first floor, it was pretty fast, just walked out actually hahaha.
and wa la, the hot dogs !! hahaha. bought one each haha. yummy.
i think the one at queens way is better, or is it alexandria road. ok nvm.
finished it went to courts, racky racky some more.
then back to tampines mrt. took 969 back. fell asleep in the bus.
woke up thinking i was at woodlands hahahah.
and for some strange reasons, my jeans had a wet patch. at my right knee.
guess it was the air con dripping water or something.
and quite some people were looking at me as though i was an alien haha.
i was like, huh ? still blur hahaha. so looked out. oh this place looks familiar.
ahahah was at khatib mrt ahhaha, continued the ride to near yishun mrt.
cross the over head bridge took 169 and wa la, i was home in no time. haha.
what a great story, bleh.
ok, just plain bored. got a super big headache since i came off 969.
to top it off i got caught in the rain while walking home.
was drizzling all the way. forgot about my wet head and i didnt take a bath.
just ate dinner after keeping my stuff in my room. suer big bang.
managed to get some stuff done. think some things might come in useful tomorrow.
okie, hope all goes well tomorrow. gonna rally some people to help.
hire on the spot hahaha. oops you wont be paid haha.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:18