Notes N Wheels

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

ok, a shot of my terran occupational force.
securing a drop zone in enemy territories.

ok pictures of yogi. see the last picture? check out how much of her paw is in the pond, fishing hahaha. disturbing the kois.
after the rain so the water is pretty murky, all the algae also, cleaning time haha.
oh yeah, lured yogi into pooffy's cage hahaha. she was too big for it.

okie, dinner was great for my tummy. absolutely had my fill man hahah.
and we had salad !! hahah just whack man. oh the china waitress was cute haha.
yeah was like taking our orders then she had to repeat it to confirm right.
so she read it out but it was as good as not reading cause
of her china accent. so dad was like, are you from hong kong or china?
cause you sound like you may be from hong kong.
then she was like oh ahaha, i am from china.
cute girl ahha, and she has rosy cheeks and that oval face.
that nice ly carved gradient that leads to the chin. the super oriental kind.
ahhh, so cute hahaha. ok, sorry about that. got carried away.
and she was so fair !! ok really sorry tsk tsk.

ok, finally Pirates of the Carribean VCD cost like only 12.90 ahhaha.
bought it just now, dad pay la. along with a show that vanessa bought.
and some socks haha yesh, very low on socks so yeah, got 4 pairs.
yeah thats it nothing else already.
oh i can type without looing at my key board already.
as in type and chat with some one else or maybe do something.
ok, not very fast and not for long but yeah, bit by bit already.
having hot milo now, taste great haha. i make good milo hahah.
like its so easy la, just one sachet.

hmmmm, hair color is erm, undesirable. wrong color already.
sall wait till i get my pay and than i would do something about it.
meanwhile i shall "repair" it first. pretty dry and rough.
quite damaged already, like severly damaged.
dunch know if i should bleach it or what the next time round haha.
dun like the idea of having hair thats like reddish.
interestingly, when we had to assemble in sec sch, when my hair was natural.
i was often caught by teachers for having "dyed" hair.
simply because it was natural, and when under the morning sun ray,
it would seem as though it was brownish red. like copper color.
remembered one particular incident where the principal addressed the school
during the morning assembly. and he wanted the teachers to catch those
with colored hair. so my form teacher came up to me, mr mathadam.
lifted up my fringe and went " mitchell ah go in front, dye your hair"
i was like, nono i never dye, if i die my hair i die at home already.
i really never dye. you want you call my dad la. its natural.
yeah, could feel my heart thumping like dunno what.
still quite "guai" at that time hahahaha.

was pretty bored, cant remember whether it was today or last night.
anyway i did a search on the French Connection United Kingdom.
read a 2005 report that they were gonna abandon their fcuk logo though
it would still be their trade mark. gonna use it more lesser.
reason being because it was falling out of fashion and because of that,
their profits fell from like 16 million pounds to just 5 million pounds.
what a great drop eh. if i were the boss, i would be pulling my hair out.
anyway, its still going on ahhaha, fcuk ahhaa. wanna get the jeans.
no it doesn't have the trade mark logo on the outside haha.
just that some designs look pretty nice.
actually levis had one design i really liked, was searching for a certain color as well.
yeah, they had it but, BUT, the thread was like in neon or yellow.
some where around those color, a total turn off.
another shop had the thread in red, another total turn off for me.
yeah, fcuk has the normal one. waiting for the stock to arrive though.
it has already arrived in australia haha, our turn soon i guess,
since its not in stores yet. and australia had those shirts first.
ok, shall end here. nothing much to say already anyway ahah.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:24


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