Thursday, April 19, 2007

this little fellow came into the house hahaha.poofy just kept jumping around it yelping and yelping hahaha.quite long for a little fellow like it hahah. quite aggressive too.used the metal plank to hold it down behind the head, and it actually tried to bite it hahah. ouch for its fangs hahah.poofy was so scared, he kept peeing all over hahahahah.okie, in the end, dad smashed its head with one end of the bamboo.what a pity cause it was quite beautiful hahaha.would have kept it if no one was home HAHAHA. looks like the poisonous kind though, but heck ahha. die only loh.ok had dinner already. same place again, eat zhi za again. sian least its food la huh. and at least i had my stomach filled. some children have like only a meal a day, and that meal ain't like a meal yeah, gotta appreciate what we have and consider ourselves fortunate.there's always someone out there worst off than than everytime you think you had it bad, think again.wanna go get the other shirt hahaha. the one that says "FCUK IT"yeah, pretty simple designs yet hahaha, quite loud hahaha.nope, i dun get it cause i wanna look cool or what hahaha. i just like it.yup yup. nothing cool about it actually, seems vulgar actually but hell hahaha.anyway the material used makes it quite comfortable.hahaha, so if i am pissed or something, i'll just wear that shirt ahhahaha.kidding kidding. not trying to make a statement with was well, rather uneventful and boring.oh they said that we would shift over to the new outlet by the 5th month.dunno how accurate is that though hahah. cant wait equipment and stuff. and out of the city link outlet. the city link outlet, waffle station totally stinks la. has a shit, its crawling beneath my skin. those thoughts still lingering.makes me feel, hmmm, i dunch know how to describe. its like being tortured, yup. the more you want it, the worst it feels.simply because you cant get it. its like drugs i guess. and when you are in cold turkey.maybe thats the only way to purge it out. endure it once and for all.ok, but i still wake up early every morning finding myself doing the same thing.hahah, thats another bad part about it. i cant sleep through.well, shall not blog already. My Immortal. part of it.your face it haunts my once plesant dreams
this wounds wont seem to heal.
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 18:55