looking @ this picture, i realise i am really skinny.
siannnnn....hahahahahs band today was siong. played lotsa songs. new pieces.
i love Nut Cracker !!! played the 1st and the 2nd solo parts for two songs.
quite nice. quite tough ahahha. challenging.
its been a while since i got that familiar kick feeling hahaha.
which means if i can get this right, its a chance to improve.
brings back memories of sec school band days. algemix.
when it was ooo so tough !! ahahha. damn. love it.
really hope i can play for the concert that those pieces would be in.
hmmm, someone's pissing me.
and that someone picked the wrong time. pissed me off when i am ill.
really at the wrong time. but hell. it wont last long.
medicine's strong, hate the effect. makes me feel drained of all my energy.
took it before heading out this morning. during band i was like, errrr,
just felt bad. i wanna eat fish soup. aunt used to cook that for me.
either that or fish porridge whenever i fell ill, or had an operation.
she used to cook those dishes for me. and it tasted really good.
hahah, hope my future wife can do the same.
if, its not too late for God to send her a messenger.
angel to future wife :
God has a message for you, learn to cook fish soup/porridge.
it will be of great help to you in the future, its the way to your man's heart.
heeheehee. slap slap, stop dreaming !! ahhaha.
and yeah !! i finally got that song from the korean drama.
it turned out to be bach suite. courtesy of jocelyn, she sent it to me.
heard jia rong playing it on the piano today i think.
i was like, thats familiar. and they told me. so yeah ahah. now i got it.
the next one to get would be, Beethoven's Goldberg Variations.
weeeee !!! okie, shall end here. till tomorrow.