Tuesday, January 22, 2008
just cleaned the pond, the longer one. removed some dead leaves, cut some of the dead stems off blah blah.took out the plastic wire mesh cage that martin built for his yellow oscar. used to use that to contain it, keep it safe from the bigger oscar.found a fishing weight at the bottom of it. washed it. entire cage bottom plus the weight, had algae all over it. feels like slime.got bored. thats bad cause my fingers would start getting itchy hehe.had a funny idea when i saw the floating plants drifting all over. a few here and there, one here three there that kinda thing.took some thin fishing line, 15 lb line. tied 4 to a main line, attached the main line to the weight.and it worked ahaha, they drifted together, and stayed within a certain area.looked alot neater. did the same thing for another 5 of those plant.used a rock this round. made a mini basket out of the wire mesh to hold the rock.couldn't tie the main line to the rock anyway, so the wire mesh was there.two groups. about a metre apart. pretty neat looking.the plants aren't as green as before though. not enough fertilizer.used to have some kois in there. they eat and shit alot.wanna ask dad whether we could transfer a few of those plants to the main pond.at least they would grow better. one bunch floating in the center wouldn't hurt hehe.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 14:54