Tuesday, January 15, 2008
okie this is the X5. dad getting the wheels rebalanced. wasn't done properly the first time. always produced some knocking sound.balance the rims actually.
this is the balance check machine. spins the wheel. tells u what weights to add and where. pretty cool actually.
new wider diameter rims on the Z4.doesn't look fierce enough if u were to ask me. doesn't look nice cause i got it at the wrong angle.
took these pictures a couple days back uing my hp. the work shop is actually like behind cineleisure.just beside killiney. we were like, what are we doing in town?dad knows the place but we dont. dad changed's melvyn's rims.got his adjusted at the same time. hmmm, funny, my time is better spent when i am really busy,as compared to days when i have nothing to do. like nowadays.when i am busy, i always have lotsa activities coming in all the time.when i am free, its dead boring, super slack nothing to do kinda thing.it like, wake up, and before i know it, another day's gone kinda thing.really boring, really a waste of time.i cant sleep. been sleeping like at 4 / 5 am these few days.the pass 6 days. around there. and i would wake up at 12 ? not very good at all. gotta try and switch things back. bio clock's a mess.and i declare myself a psp addict. started playing need for speed most wanted, like 3 days back.i am now at the 7th position. still a while to go. think i'll continue tomorrow.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:54