Sunday, February 22, 2009
some people console themselves by saying, size doesn't matter. well, wait till it starts to hurt.
alright, gf just took a bath. actually, we took ours together. the hose got disconnected halfway.its okay though. its fun bathing together hahah.applies in a real situation as well.water has this sort of like way to add to the romantic kinda feel.try frenching under the rain, you wont regret that guys.--
parents, bro 2 and 4 are still in japan.apparently they are there to check out some japanese rims.not sure whether its a business thingy or just for personal mods.i think its fun though. to be able to travel to japan.its a really beautiful country.----deus lo vult.have no idea what language is means, God wills it.----while washing the car i started to think again. dun need brains to wash a car.funny thing actually. when i was in sec 2 or 3.i wanted to grow up. as in be different.carry myself differently from my male peers.i succeeded a little i guess. for the dress code, i always preferred jeans and shoes.not those kinda oversized or tapered skinny jeans. this has stayed.its not a bad thing to be ahead of your peers in certain areas.but what if we are way ahead? sort of like rapid aging eh? hahah.i wonder what would it be like. maybe, like that new movie in the cinemas? about that guy born as an old fellow.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:00