Friday, August 18, 2006
hahah , went searching for my biohazard false ear plug when i woke this morning , and yesh , my effort paid off ..searched the dust bins but they were all emptied le i went to the dinning table racky around the pile of news papers, papers , receipts , invoices , what have you , and wa la ..there it was hahah , so i just took it dear ear plug , so glad to have u back ..muacks muacks muacks ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kk , haha , plans have been made to meet denise tomorrow ..though i am not sure if i can go out but hack ..i got to get out to meet her , cant stand being in this house any longer ..its so so boring la , dont feel like playing my clarinet all of a sudden know , that kinda feeling when u are at home and u just feel so odd ..doesn't feel the same as when you are playing around your band mates ..anyway , she wans to eat holland village's laksa ..making me hungry already , i am addicted to chilli nowadays ..its like every meal my have chilli ..and depending on what i eat , i must have different types of chilli to go along with it , cut chilli or blah chang or wasabe , see what i am eating la ..ok , shall go racky the kitchen tonight ..see what food do we have in the cupboards and fridge ..i know i have got an apple in there , lotsa ham , cheese what else ?oh we have bread and lunchon meat and camp bell soup and maggie mee ..hahah , so much junk food hahah ..never mind , as long as it can fill my grumbling stomach i guess its ok ..shall spoil myself later , with junk food haha .. i feeling like having sirloin steak , pork ribs , mash potatoes ,french fries , sushi ..oh we have got chicken pie from DON hahah .. great m then i dun needa cook or anything , its all going down my stomach hhaha ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:30