Wednesday, October 11, 2006
this would be the first draft design ..emmanuel's gonna modify it ..see ow can we throw in a circle in the center ..holy sacrement ? can't remember what they called it ..anyway, think its gonna be like what ? 10cm in height ? see whats the final design though, than modify if neccessary the pictures of eugene's full back and wayne's leg ..eugene's full back was drawn on free hand, wow ..its a japanese carp leaping out of the water ..wayne's full back is scary, i dont think he would allow a picture of it ..i think there's a samurai, a god or a demon, cant remember ..his recent one on the leg is quite creative ..a demon face with the mouth positioned at the knee ..closes and opens the mouth when he walks, the skin la ..either he or wei xiong has a beautiful japanese woman in her kimono and fan done on their leg ..shall see if i can snap it .. guess thats all for today ..sry guys, but i have been wanting one for a long time already months ..and the only one who can stop me is gone :)
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:20