Saturday, December 09, 2006
band was, big today hahaha ..had members from PHS and RP join the SSW and SWOfor animation songs medley today .. band room was, as u would guess, packed like hell ..pretty fun though, see some of them with the lost look on their face hahah ..very funny, so many different people ..caught one with the "whats that girl saying to her friend? is it about me ?" kinda look haha ..went here and there trying to get stands for the band haha ..kept having to get help from some of the boys ..and guess what, mr ong has decided to buy 12 stands for the band ..guess its because we are always asking for more stands haha .. but well, thats something good for the band ..what else, hmmmm, orh ya clarinet kept leaking while we were playing POC ..the stupid C#/G# and G#/Eb keys ..first time i had my G#/Eb key leak ..and it seriously leaks alot ..was playing and playing, didn't realised that it was leaking till i had to thrill ..than the water just flowed out of the hole, and down to the bell ..and those two keys just kept leaking today la ..worst of all, i didnt bring my swap with me as i was in a hurry ..well, thats the price to pay for not being prepared ..okie, band was over, was very very hungry ..stomach started giving some gastric pains ..didnt eat breakfast or lunch la ..anyway, had meeting after band, a little long ..luckily vivian brought me to get free food from the office ahhahah ..ate noodles with 2 siew mais and 2 fish balls ..everything tastes good when you are hungry hahahh ..than we had dinner at LJS, so ex la, for such a small serving ..if we had eaten at "fishball" 3.80 could get me my chicken cutlet rice hahaha ..i think thats the only dish i ever eat there, for like many months le ..hmmm, either chicken cutlet rice or chicken chop rice hahaha ..well, its relatively cheap i guess and its not that bad, so ya ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~what shall i talk about today ..i am going mad? think my temper is getting pretty short ..and i am becoming very intolerant of others getting in my way ..dont ask me why i dont know ..neither do i seem to care what others say about certain stuff ..changing i guess, or just one those cranky weeks ?sounds to me like a girl having her period hahah ..anyway, dunno whats wrong la, cant seem to figure out ..think i might explode soon eyes are getting tired, dunno what would i wanna do later, they have been gone for a 3 days le hahaha, 6 more to go :( so fast la, they are returning soon, and the house would be noisy once again ..arghhhh, i hate noise, especially when it comes in the form of a char bo nagging at me ..the moment it comes out of her mouth, it just irritates me to the core ..and i just blow up inside ..even a few words would be enough to spark hell in me ..arghhh, just cant tahan them la ..haiz, woman, cant live with them, cant live without them ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~you still live in me, somehow, somewhere ..its hard to start liking another, even harder to make room in me, for that other ..looks like my heart within hearts has sealed itself ..neither you nor any can really open it again ..some things are better left sealed ..some scars will never heal,neither would certain memories fade ..they say time heals, i say like wise ..especially when things like this are kept bottled up ..they just stay stagnant, neither healing nor worsening ..cant help but envy some friends of mine, those couples i see daily ..they seem so loving, holding hands walking side by side ..there are so many girls out there, why cant u just pick one ?well, many tries, they all failed, just cant like them ..even if i do, they would just die off ..what happens to a flowering plant when there is no water ?it dies off bit by bit till not a single trace of its beauty is left ..same for a relationship, if the main ingredientceases to flow to each other, than the relationshipjust dries up and dies out ..all this while i have been thinking, just this question ..why did it start ? served no purposed ..its just another experience in life that has scar us ..a mark chiseled into our memories, never to be undone ..hmmmm, memories, what a power gift ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:50