Friday, December 29, 2006
the guys eating ice cream at dunno whats the name of that place already ..outing with them on the 28 dec group of guys, his twin is not in the pic ..
angel oh angel ..
saw this Times magazine in 7-eleven today ..the 2nd page of the magazine ..very true isn't it, music is a universal language ..its understood by all ..i think because it invokes emotions and humans have the ability to feel itand understand what we are feeling ..
got so bored waiting in the room for the doctor i just snapped a pic bed lamp hahahah, flexible mechanical arm with a power bulb ..didnt managed to get a pic of the cleaning solutions and syringes,nurse was coming hhaha ..
shopping shopping shopping !!! hahaha bought this top at ebose or something from PS when i was with the other band memebers ..the other shirt, bought it today from esprit ..not exactlya shirt hahah, mother paid so i didnt bother much about price hahah ..just take what i liked hahaha ..
hmmm, suggested to my mother that i could take martin and vanessa outfor CNY chopping, get their new clothes and stuff ..that way i would be free to do my shopping on my own as well ..sometimes because the clothes have to go through my dad,he pays, we would get comments like why u like this kinda clothes ? haha different taste, personal preferance, opinions have no right or wrong ..yeah, thats why its irritating, its personal preferance and i like to shop it my taste my style, which is different from dad's ..i hate collar unless its those long sleeve shirt ..he likes to get collar shirts for us, he likes those kind ..anyway, shall try to sneak this plan through my own shopping on the pretext of bringing my younger siblings out for theirs, helping them select ..hahaha, so evil, but well hahah, i get to spend without worrying about the look on my dad's face ahhaha ..i can buy one shirt that costs a hundred, and martin could buy two that costs less than 80 ..but at the end of the day, when he sees whats in front of his eyes,he would say, martin spends more, seeing is more than enough evidence would i know this method would work ? dad doesn't check receipt contents hahaha,only the total amount spent hahah i feel so evil and i am loving it ..gotta keep my mind thinking if not it'll rust ..this contradicts, an empty mind is the devils workshop hahahaha ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yes, i was right again ..i had to wait 40 plus mins before it was my turn to see the doc ..and that was a good 30 over mins after the stated appointment time ..even have to wait like 15 to 20 mins just to give them money,what the hell, save the time let me keep the money can ? haha and yesh, the damn thing is off me hahaha ..hahah, it was damn funny can, the look on the nurse face and wht she said haha ..nurse : oh my gosh, this is gonna hurt : yes i know that duh, hahaha, but she was damn cute la ..the first sentence from her was in chinese ..and my reply was,huh ? what did u just say ? could you repeat urself again ?and she went off in chinese, something about wound, only caught the last two words, shang kou, wound in chinese ..i was wound ? yeah i got a surgical wound ..all this while i gave her that lost look hahah ..than she paused, placed one finger to her chin and asked me in english, what language do u speak ..i replied, well, i speak english ahah ..and she just laughed and went, okok, i'll bring you to the next room blah blah hahaha, funny incident, and everyone was looking at the both of us ..than in came a young doc, guy, who seemed very hesitant about the decisions he made ..always looking to one corner and holding his chin while he said what his decision was ..which, made me very nervous ..guess he is not that experienced, cause he was quite nervous about when he was thinking and speaking ..could hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes ..even the nurse was more calm hahah ..well, there's always a beginning for everyone haha ..and there's no short cut round it ..but bottom line would be i am back to me haha mobile as before, and i can play my clarinet, that i am quite certain haha need for the pressure garment for now,means breathing not restricted haha ..what can i say ? daily routines are back to normal and i am super glad about that yeah ..except for the food that i can eat, but thats okie ..i am sure i can substain that food lust for a long time haha ..i can still eat dark chocolates so it pretty fine hahah ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
this entry seems long, or is it because of the pictures that's why the scroll bar is becoming so small ? no idea, dont know dont care, shall just type out whatever i recall about today ..dinner was okie, nice ..lunch seems to be a little weird, cause me and martin are well, having some problems with our tummies now ..and we are the only 2 that ate char siew rice for lunch earlier on ..i thought it was me when i thought the rice tasted weird ..well, martin just confirmed that the rice tasted weird ..he was like, eh, the rice from lunch tasted funny ..i was like haha okie, i think we are gonna have a fun night haha ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~chin seng msged me earlier on today ..strange, got so many calls and msges today ..anyway, he was asking whether i was attending the cluster party ..its a bbq and everyone's asked to go there in their pyjamas hhaha ..i replied i couldn't make it and how was josh and ruth, i missed out so much can ..slightly more than a month, josh is speaking more often, knows more words ..and he said the both of them are growing fast !!man, i miss that boy can, awww ..i love babies, children hahah ..though i just love to hate some, but that's loving as well ..i LOVE to hate some .. ok, siao hahah ..but yeah, josh is seriously, kawai hahaha ..sure melt if your see him can ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~last night that same feeling overcame me again ..that feeling of pain, anguish of grief and despair ..seriously its like a black hole that sucks the light out of me the happy thoughts from me ..throws me into a darkness that blocks me from the light of day ..such a sour feeling, so painful that moment, as with other times when it came,i just felt like breaking free of myself,just felt like throwing soemthing or whatever ..just felt like unleashing the demon within, all those feelings ..thats the bad thing about me and my brothers,when we lose it, we turn bloody violent ..anyway how do you counter something that builds itself on your happy memories ? you cant right ?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~so, been thinking about it though i have decided about it ..sometimes i like to think over decisions i made ..i dunno why, just like to think about it whether it was a correct decision or was it the best option ..hmmm, i believed that period was when those who knew me,knew the most cheery me ..and now there's something else taking form in me ..dunno whether its visible yet, i think its getting obvious ..yet i dunno what can be done about it ..i think that part of me is still in twilight ..seriously, i foresee that i am gonna get into deep shit one day because of this looming formless thing ..any enemy without form is a tough enemy ..maybe i should try reversing everything first ..shall just slip back into my shell and restart everything ..choose a few which i can open up to and that would be that ..would not bother about the rest ..but wouldn't that be bottling up everything, running away from the problem ?just results in something worst right ? hmmm, i dunno, need more time to think out a method ..having another certain someone in this chapter surelyisn't a good idea ..would just destroy that person along with myself do u fight an enemy without form ?i dun think sun zi bing fa talks about that too ..shall go read it again later, sounds stupid, but if t can be applied in business, why not in this aspect of life ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~talking about sun zi bing fa,its a pretty good book hahah ..helps even in computer games, where you command armies and stuff, RTS is it ?good against human players, com playersdun require much thinking unless they are on hard mode haha ..kk, shall end here, enough negativity ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:45