Tuesday, January 09, 2007
okie here are some pics of the band room ..went back to further compact the amplifiers aswell as do some other stuffs ..tian ze was there he helped me a little here and there ..beside thanking him for his help, i would like to thanks him for lunch as well ..he asked me whether i wanted lunch and i say yes ..he treated me, so once again, THANKS !!!! :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kk, neater walk way to the cosy corner ..
more space for every one to stretch their legs ..and yesh the first row is nearer to the con heehee ..
bass clarinets and bassoons have got more space as comparedto last time i believe, much more space ..
saxohphones have got the most space ..tian ze was like wa,more than enough man ..anyway yeah, your can use him in this pic as a gauge to howmuch space your have, from the other pics la ..
again, there is more leg space for thelast row as well ..hope it wouldprove to be easier to walk pass while there are players seated ..trombones have slightly more distance between them and the 3rd row, due to their instruments ..3rd row players have hell alot of spacing between each chair as compare to the rest of the band ..more room for the tubas since they are bulky,more room for the horns since they take up space on their sides ..
finally, even more space for the percussionist at both sides of the band room ..this is just one example ..silly right, didnt think of it earlier, just re-arrange a bitand so much more space have been created ..believe it would give them less reasons to drop mallets asthey have more room to do their stuff ..the percussion at the back has been brought forward by about one feet i think, much more space to move about with lesser risks of knocking into something ..
so you guys have seen it already ..so if you are like wa finally got so much space ..please play your part in maintaining it this way ..oh, thats goes for both bands:) seriously the bag for the keyboards smell horrible ..it smells like perspiration, like an entire sec level went for 2.4 came back and squeezed the sweat from their shirts onto the bag ..i found that out purely by dumb luck ..wanted to carry and placeit up there, and it had to go pass my face, so ya, nearly fainted ..anyway, skipped school again today ..woke up late, missed the first 2 hrs of lecture, great ..than i prepared and was about to leave house when it started pouring cats and dogs ..GREAT, even with an umbrella, by the time i reached the bus stop,i could turn home for a change of bottoms ..so just waited and waited till like 1 coming 2 ..decided to skip by then, went to the CC did my stuff ..brought lappy for tian ze, gave each other songs hahah ..his memory card got stucked in my com, he slotted it in and it was way too small, so it went in but couldn't come out ..korek until it dropped out ..sprayed the room,cupboards and yes, hell alot on the key board bags, amplier area and the carpets ..than used some baygon on areas where thereare lotsa insects ..like the amplifier area, shifted it out and a few flying things immediately came out, found a dead cockroach under an amplifier too ..so ya, spray above the cupboard too, incase some decided to camp there for a while ..too hell with your, you dont sleep on my cupboards ..so yeah, came home after that,set up my clarinet and started playing ..from near 7 to near 9 ..stopped where my reed was red ..and for some reasons i am starting to squeak more,and my note range is getting shorter ..i couldn't play the 2 G above the staff line on sat ..now i cant even reach the D above the staffwith ease ..think the reed is giving way, super old le ..shall break you when i get new ones, so sorry buts that the way heehee ..shall head down to CC either tomorrow orthursday, see when tian ze and the other SM is free ..next on the list would be the cupboard number 4 ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:54