Notes N Wheels

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

there's been so many thing running through my mind recently ..
i wish i could just sit at the beach or something
and stare at the ocean hearing its waves against the sand ..
i just wanna be there and think about nothing ..
maybe have a friend beside me, a close friend to chat with ..
than we could just enjoy the sea breeze and each others company ..
funny, whenever i think of something like this,
it would always be a girl, this companion ..
i never ever related my problems to a guy unless its about
common guy things or matters that i once experienced,
and that friend is currently experiencing ..
other than that, i always found the female to be a better companion ..
usually they are more attentive when chatting,
really listening to you and they chat back haha ..
its sooooo easy to communicate with a female cause they are friendlier too ..
sometimes guys just got this barrier from i dunno where ..
thats why its harder to make friends with a guy than a girl
if your are complete strangers ..
i can just pick a girl off the net and we can chat like we knew each other for years ..
but i can barely go 10 mins into a conversation with a guy off the net,
even if we have common friends/interests that help linked us up ..
anyway, i think because when most girls respond,
they usually reply with more stuff, it sort of broadens the
topic we are chatting about and gives us more stuff to chat about ..
overall, i wouldn't say guys are lousy companions for me,
but i would say girls make the better out of the 2 ..
that is of cause my personal opinion and preferance ..
i wonder what runs through the minds of gays/les ..

how do they think ? what are they thinking about when they are with their partner ..
is it sex ? or is it about what the other is thinking ?
is it about how they would get rid of this current one so they get another ?
do they desire another while with their current one ?
what do they do with each other when they are romancing one another ?
how do they woo each other ? whats their courtship process like ?
are they like straighter couples ? whats the difference between a
gay/les relationship and a boy girl relationship ..
is there actually love between them, or feelings ?
wouldn't their sex life be a mess ? there are some things that only one of
the opposite sex can provide due to the natural gender character of both sexes,
do their other partner possess that ? if not how do they make up
for what they do not have ?
i wonder what would dad say if one of his sons were gay ..
i wonder what would my friends be saying behind my back if i was gay ..
not that i say things behind my gay friends backs but i hear people say
things about them, at times quite nasty things ..
i wonder what would my chruch friends say if i was gay ahaha ..
mitchell, the confession room is over there hahahah ..
or mitchell, let us pray for you hahahah ..
haiz, cant imagine myself being gay actually, just not me ..
haha my friend wished me a new year filled with love and
happiness and all things beautiful ..
sweet of her right ? yeah ..
nah, love is a game over for me ..
girl friends are a game over as well ..
yes i am still chasing girls, back to normal, but somehow the steam isn't there anymore ..
the ultimate aim that i once looked for in a relationship is lost,
it has been replaced unknowingly by something else ..
that certainly doesn't require love unless you want it to feel fullingly ..
doing certain things with someone you love,
and the same certain thing with someone for the sake of it,
is very different and the amount of satisfaction, not the physical part,
that you get are worlds apart ..
anyway, game over for love haha, i played that game too much ..
got my fingers burned when i was too serious about it,
perhaps its not yet my time, for now i need to rest ..
watching other loving couples brings a smile to my face,
brings back happy memories yet brings pain as well ..
still i like to watch them, the girl looking at the guy while he holds her close to him ..
take away the C-ommunication and it becomes a Lose hahaha,
yeah communication's one essential for a healthy relationship ..
well, is pretty early now and i am suffering from a headache ..
i might as well not sleep already,
in case i cant wake up on time later ..
gotta be up by 630 latest, thats only 3.5 hours later ..
so ya, decided not to sleep ..
hmmm, just made myself a cup of hot milo ..
threw in a little bit of marsh mellow, dunno what would it taste like ..
wonder where is my Esprit clothing ..
been gone for 5 days already, think
my mother sent it to the laundry shop nearby ..
wonder how is it now ..
well this is a poorly taken picture of my puzzle ..
not very clear so ya, sorry about the quality ah ..
suppose to be a cross with those kinda light projecting outwards around it, in the center ..
but the cam cant capture it cause of the lighting in the room ..
well, this is the first 1000 piece puzzle i ever completed ..
the 2nd 1000 piece puzzle i ever tried putting together ..
the first 1000 piece puzzle i completed with 3 days, not very fast though ..
the first puzzle i bought with my own money, including the frame hahah ..
for some reasons i have a liking for crosses ..
my elder bros have a collection of crosses when they were around my age too ..
hmmmm, there is this one puzzle that i wanna try out ..
its comes in either 1000, 1500 or 2000 pieces de, if i am not wrong ..
its a picture of the insides of this Cathedral in Europe i think ..
those cathedral with elaborate stain glasses,
painted domes, pipe organ and the usual super high ceiling kind ..
yeah, i think it can be found at the puzzle shop in plaza singapura,
however the one at suntec city has a 2 more church puzzles if i am not wrong ..
but do le also no where to hang ..
when i did this puzzle my dad scolded me,
said it was a waste of money ..
interesting thing to note was he had a 1000 piece puzzle last time too haha ..
those marine kind, a pair of orcas under the water and a pair of dolphins
leaping out of the water with the moon in the back ground ..
a pir of everything actually, sea horse, colorful fishes ..
used to stare at it last time, caused it could glow it the dark i
was like wa, well, i was a little boi back then hahah ..
hmmm, my blog seems overloaded by my standards ..
donch know what to do about it already,
maybe i should just leave it, only change the music now and then ..
i think i wanna upload K622, 3rd mvt hahah ..
fun piece hahah, dunno how mozart composed ..
shall end here le ..
somewhere somehow,
there has and will always be a place for you in me ..
the soft spot in me was made by you for you ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 03:56


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