Saturday, January 06, 2007
okie, was at the esplanade library today ..decided to take a look at the mahler con score and i found thesetranslations on the gloassary page ..from german to english ..including the lyrics for the last 3 mvts of mahler 3 ..surprised to learn that they were about catholism ..speaking about angels, saints and stuff ..
my friends hard at work, on thursday if i am not wrong haha ..yup they are practicing and i am slacking ..
okie, the canvas painting that vivian bought for the band ..its up on the wall finally hahaha, replaced the LA saxophones picture ..
this set is what gives me company when i cant sleep ..just my ipod and my set of evo5 speakers ..powerful enough to hear them outsa of the house :X
well, i finally got the internet settings on my com reconfigured ..and my other "neccessary" stuffs installed as well ..though i still do not have any microsoft office tools, as usual ..and i do not have any sound comng from this com ..but thats okie, at least i have a com ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~okie, a miracle has happened ..mitchell would be changing bit by bit ..shall start with my ear piercings again, shall remove it hair is already trimmed down by alot haha ..yeah, shall do the other changes bit by bit ..shall listen more, doesn't mean more obedient hahah ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~made ah ma smile alot today when i visited her haha ..gave her a hug when i met her, another when i was leaving plus a kiss on her cheek ..gave a hug and a kiss on the cheek to mom as well planned, had my hair cut then i proceeded over to their place ..aunty peggy was there as well ..she said something, though i felt like punching her face,i found it made some sense ..well, she said this :why u always getting girl friend ? not as though this girls are gonna be your wife, next get also can right ..wanted to answer her back, rather, shout back already ..cause her sons are no better than me ..but ah ma and mum was there and they were quite happy that i was there ..i dont always get to visit the both of them nowadays ..more over, the 3 of us had a great time chatting and laughing hahah ..and ah ma scolded me about the tattoo hahah ..she saying, if my dad finds out, hell would break loose ..anyway, shawn's birthday is on friday, gonna see them soon again :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hmmm, no school again today, engineering block had a pressure chamber explosion ..connecting Lab blocks S & R caught fire at some places ya no school today, its self declared holiday ..dun need to ask around, your wont find any news about this hahah ..went to meet jocelyn than tian ze came after that ..that was when we were at the esplanade, meeting point ..sounds so military, pick up / meetin point hahah ..anyway, photocopied two clarinet concertos for practicing ..just for the fun of it, aaron copland's concerto andweber's concerto number two ..found their running notes pretty interesting hahah tonguing and finger coordination has improved a bit more le ..realised that while playing 622, i can tongue and run slightly quicker now ..haiz, last time someone said it was standard clarinet repertoire arghhh when its standard clarinet repertoire andme a clarinetist cant play it properly ..cant swollow this man, gotta do it ..than i would have completed ONE and only ONE standard piece, hahah ..but no not gonna play it, its just to make myself satisfied hahah ..dont lavish the idea of standing there alone with my back on the orchestra ..would feel so, out of place hahahah ..okie, sorry, ran off to far le ..after we were all there and had all settled what we wanted to do ..we then proceeded for ermm, late lunch or super early dinner ..what ever you wish to call a meal at that kinda neither here nor there timing ..went to thai express, watched them eat hahah ..needa save money, and the food was kinda ex ..thought i could control it easily, however, when the first dish came, i saw all the chilli and stuff and i was like, OH MY GOSH !!! yummy yummy chilli ..but nvm, kept myself calm and steady, turned and watched themany passer-bys in the city link hahaha ..kept drinking water in futile effort to ease my hunger haha ..saw many things happen between the passer bys, shall talk about it later ..anyway, that was over thankfully ..then headed to suntec city, marina square, raffles place mrt, than bugis junction, than tampines hahah ..stopped and did some window shopping at all those 3 places ..these places except raffles mrt, reminded me of the time spent with a close friend ..met yao zong at tanah merah, tian ze and him needed to discuss some business ..okie, me and tian ze took 969 from tampines interchange to yishun after that ..and we went our own ways after he had settled his apple pie hahah ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~realised something from the clarinet concerto recordings i heard ..donch know how correct i am ..but whenever the players run and tongue the string of running notes,their tonguing isn't as light as normal .. seems as though effort has been used to tongue and it sounds heavier than usual ..i always thought it must be tongued as normal, like not that heavy and stuff ..shall ask tomorrow ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oh yeah, was saying i observed something while watching people walk pass ..i saw many couples walking pass thai express ..young couples especially, did this ..the guys always had their hands slinged over their gfs shouldersin a manner that made the girls look cheap and the guys horny other thing observed was the girls wore short shorts and the guys had some super weird hair style and very loud dressing ..k, main thing would be the action and how they would behave so touchy isn't neccessary right ? i mean in public touch here touch there so awful looking, its either they have rhino hide as skinsor the world seems oblivious to them save their partner ..even my friends and i are not so bad despite of ourhigh level of admiration for the assets of the other gender can save those expression of love or what ever you call it for your gf or bf when you guys are at a quieter place like home right ..i mean you can even strip each other at home and no one cares ..but in public especially when there are like so many kids,children to young teenagers ..its like influencing them right, monkey see, monkey gets the idea,monkey feels itchy backside, monkey do ..sometimes i see older couples stare at these younger couples and shake their heads ..haha, i cant help but think feel they are right though it may seem like very traditional or old fashion in thinking ..but thats why their generation aint so loose in relationships right ..well, guess we still have alot to learn from those whoseway of thinking we condemned, old fashion or not of the 21st century ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:17