Notes N Wheels

Friday, January 05, 2007

alright martin is asleep and i am using his com,
without permission, but he doesn't mind la ..
okie, i was sleeping so peacefully since i had my bath and jumped into bed ..
than i woke up at around 1 30am feeling itchy all over ..
thanks to mosquitos that decided to decorate my arms and legs ..
seriously its itching the hell out of me ..
shall have my hair cut tml, than pop by my aunt's place for a bath ..
have lunch with them and stuff ..
kk, i skipped the only lesson for today ..

met joce for lunch at yishun, went to popular, shopped a bit ..
headed down to the CC and did some practice ..
practice on the study books as well as mozart and well,
the first few bars of the alto sax concerto 3rd movement ..
sound changed quite a bit as i played mozart ..
maybe the instrument needed warming up,

this instrument sounds awful when it is cold but after playing
on it for a while, the sound changes alot ..
well its madness, played K622 and attempted
tonguing the running notes, as written ..
though i went alot slower, i guess i was tonguing too hard ..
my tongue got cut and yes, the reed became red ..
my lips were dry and for some reasons, i think they got cut too ..
cause the reed was red nearer to the "smile" too ..
literally, what a bloody reed ..
tian ze was at the CC too, all 3 of us were practicing hahah ..
joce started after doing her library stuff ..
tian ze after his ticket stuff ..
me, after slacking a while ..
alright, headed down to chong boon market in a cab to meet xiang xing ..
tian ze needed to collect the ticket studs ..
proceeded to J8 for dinner and some window shopping ..
man i cant believe it, i met joel !!!
my primary school best pal, same sec as well ..
i was like, what are you doing here ?
and he said he was accompanying the lady in the shop next to his workplace ..
i was like huh ?
than he explained he was some advertising manager for bits and pieces ..
can u believe it ? 3200 per month for an o lvl cert holder ..
thats pretty cool ..
not surprised, he decorated his arm, think he would look better
with a black ring for his lips ..
okie, we than went on for more window shopping ..
looked at Mac, shopped for bags, shopped at popular ..
they bought ice cream, i am on diet :X no la hahah ..
just wanted to save the cash cause i am going
broke and i have been spending a little too much ..
dad hasn't transferred to me my pocket money, what to do ..
he keeps forgetting and if i ask, he says i always ask for money ..
well, some old lady is gonna lose her bag soon haha ..
kidding, i am not so bad k, trying to change to be a better person ..
still can remember my stealing spree in pri 5 haha ..
quite scheming already back then, come to think of it ..
no one would ever suspect a young boy who played the good guy,
to be the bad guy hahah ..
yeap anyway, most of the day was spent with the 2 of them ..
i am gonna be a quiet person very soon ..
pretty tempted to decorate my left chest already ..
not a big one, around my palm size ..
dunch know what design though ..
i think yogi is barking, shall check later ..
hmmm, i dunno why am i falling for girls again ..
not that i liked bois but i am starting to fall for this girl, again ..
pain in the arse can, lucky i dont see her everyday ..
if i do, i would be finished already ..
nono, no more relationships please, cant trust anyone with anything ..
sometimes its good to be single ..
and i am loving it loving it loving it !!!!!!!!
or am i deceiving myself hahahahaha ..
anyway yeah, there is this other girl, donch know what would end up of her as well ..
hope its just a crush also, gotta be loyal to my lao po, my clarinet haha ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 02:45


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