Thursday, February 01, 2007

check this out, andrew, my NYP class mate not the band de,
went to St james power house on wednesday night ..
saw alot of flashes going off, thought what was happening,
turned out this uncle was dancing as well, so he just took a quick shot ..
ahahah, never seen this kinda thing before ..
just goes to show that nothing is impossible ..
okie, gonna re-study again, lucky everything that i studied before,
is still in my head ..
gonna chiong cost accounting tomorrow ..
at least there is still some hope, thin hope ..
dunno why but i am thinking very negatively,
just lost the punch, kick or whatever, think its motivation,
to make it through this round ..
anyway, organised with bee hoon already,
she's gonna get the others to come together for a study session ..
dunno when though, hope muthu would come along ..
shit dreamt of you again, thats the dunno how many
time that i have dreamt of you in like 1 month ..
yeah i think within 1 month, it has been many times,
i dunch know how many though cause i didn't keep track ..
but arggghhhh, why you, how can it be so ..
not that you are ugly or you are not a nice girl,
in fact i think you are beautiful in some ways,
and nice enough a girl ..
its just that, i dunch know why does it have to be you that i like ..
starnge how the human emotional side works ..
okie, shall start settling things on saturday,
than hopefully get it done by sunday, that would satisfy the dateline too ..
than i would be taking a break already,
think its pretty neccessary, shall ask him face to face for it ..
things would be clearer that way ..
guess that would be how things go ..
i just realised that by doing so i would achieve other things
that i wanna put into action ..
this would just help speed things up, throw things into action faster ..
so let me see, by doing this, i would kill,
1, 2, 3 birds with one stone ..
yeah, guess its quite a good trade ..
dunch wanna do it but it would be a wise decision to do so ..
i bought a plan hahaha, okie dad bought it for me ..
bogani rose or something like that la, cant remember the name ..
chose the one with deep purple on the inner parts of the flower
and lighter shades of purple near the edges of the petals ..
4 flowers currently, its by my bed now, love nature close to me ..
thats why i chose the forest view !!! hahahah ..
but now the forest outside is in a mess, they are dumping soil and everything ..
even dad's garden is gone, we had to dig up the plants first ..
will be re-planted along with the new plants tomorrow ..
love the mono lavenders in the garden, finally found out their name ..
and this other plant called dunno what flame or something like that ..
oh i love orchirds the most hahaha, but not very easy to care for ..
would be attending cost accounting lecture tomorrow, if i can wake up ..
if i over sleep and wake up super late, than i won't be heading to school ..
would self study at home instead, lectures are all on exam preparation mode ..
feel like a jerk, like a super unfilial son ..
never did my dad proud before, since young ..
neither can i gel well with my family ..
hmmm, this round would be a good chance to show him a little something ..
it's not gonna be easy, and chances are pretty slim, but i'll be taking it ..
if i miss school tomorrow than i would be self studying at home ..
help dad with the gardening when i am free ..
well, i dunno why, maybe its because we are guys and because
we all have this stubborn character from my dad ..
we cant relate our feelings to each other, refuse to admit our mistake
to each other, refuse to give in during a cold war,
neither do we show each other we care and love each other,
like as much as i wanna say i love you dad,
sorry for all that i have done and failed to do,
the words just would come out from my mouth not would it be shown through my actions ..
it would just be kept inside me somewhere ..
same for my brothers i believe cause no one seems to care about each other ..
yet we do bother about each other in actual fact ..
only my sis, she's a girl and maybe thats why she's a little
more sensitive and emotional ..
i dunno, maybe its a guy thing, cause i usually hear my friends
say this, may dad doesn't care de ..
dads always seem to be the bad guy in the family dont they ?
because of they do not know how to show their love for their children
like how a mother would to her child ..
instead they show it in other ways, like i wanted the ipod
and my dad stupidly bought me the 30GB one because
bigger capacity meant better to him, he's not good with this mp3 thingy haha ..
but yeah, see ? they show it in other ways, yes dad thanks and i love you ..
sometimes we want something and our dads just give it to us just like that ..
as long as its within their means and it doesn't do us bad, they would do it for us ..
dunch know about your dads, but sometimes my dad complains my aunty ..
like there was one period of time when i was so busy with everything else,
i left house for school in the morning, meaning he is sleeping still,
and when i reach home, its like 9 or 10, and i would have my bath and head to bed straight after that, the cycle repeated itself for a few weeks ..
it hurt him that i did't speak to him, or like, dad i am home, hurt him so much,
he teared in front of his mother while he complaint,
he thought he was did something wrong and i was mad at him and he just couldn't figure it out ..
so ya, dads are not bad ya, for those reading this, treasure your
stupid wood block dads, cause they love you though they might not show it ..
if you can, give him a hug and say dad thanks for being in my life ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:22